July 27, 2021

Tuesday - Hot, sunny, humid and then warm and sunny

I woke up this morning when F got up, but I didn’t wake up fully. Yay!  I went back to sleep and then got up a bit later.  It wasn’t terribly hot this morning (relatively!) but it was quite humid.  I did turn on the air conditioner fairly early as I was starting to sweat from the humidity. 

I had a very quiet morning, I watched an episode of Mythic Quest in the morning on my phone while I was lying on my bed. I enjoyed that.

I had an early lunch. While I got it ready, I made a plate up for K and put it in the fridge for her. She was having a bit more of a genki day. Lately, she’s been taking naps in the daytime. I went back upstairs to eat and when I finished, brought my dishes back to the kitchen to wash. I saw the plate that I had put in the fridge for K in the drainer.

I got dressed and then went down to the front door to wait for the taxi. I thought I would take an umbrella with me because the weather app said it might rain. The first one I tried was an old one of mine. I opened it up outside and the handle broke off and one of the sides was off its rib. Oh no! I grabbed another one and checked it out. It was fine.

The taxi came a couple of minutes late, but no problem.  Classes happened, were fine, and then I came back by taxi.

I relaxed at the house and then F came back without calling. I was a tad surprised at that. I got started on dinner and prepared a lot of vegetables. Tonight’s main dish was from Costco, so I just had to microwave it. That was easy. 

I finally got dinner on the table and F came down. He did have to answer the door, but no matter.  Dinner was pretty good and I enjoyed it, I think everyone else did too. 

I got into the kitchen and started with the dishes. I listened to the Canadian news and then more of my movie podcast. The time went by fairly quickly. 

After I finished I went upstairs and a little later F came up. We got ready to go out to the store. I foolishly asked F what he’d like for dinner tomorrow and he named somen. I have never made somen and I never plan to either. I said no.  In the car on the way to the store I suggested another type of noodle that I have made before and F was okay with that, so tomorrow we’ll have some yakisoba. He likes it and it should be fairly easy I hope.

We came back to the house and F watched some of the Olympics and I watched more Apple TV on my computer. I enjoyed most of it a lot. I also did some work on F’s scarf and checked the size with him. He wants it to be a tad wider, so I’ll do that for him!

And that’s about where I am now. It was a pretty good day. Tonight, we don’t have the air conditioner on. It’s warm, but it isn’t oppressive the way it has been. We may still get a bit of the typhoon, but on the other hand, it may have taken the hot weather away for a day or two!

That’s it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my Wednesday. Until tomorrow….


Usman Makhdoom said...

Always a pleasure to bread up on your summer days, Helen.

I was wondering...whatever happened to Justin, the Canadian (I think) guy or coworker from your early 2000s days in Japan?

Tale care,


Helen said...

Hello again!

Justin was actually English. After he left the Otaru school, I never really heard what happened to him. He wasn't the kind of guy to stay in touch. I've Googled him a couple of times, but I haven't seen any trace of him.

One of life's little mysteries I think.

Thanks for reading :-)

Usman Makhdoom said...

Life's little mysteries...right? So many of them.

I often try to picture what Japan in that time was like. I only ever made it there in 2005 the very first time....glad as I am that I did as it was so different still in lot sof ways from the later 2000s and defo from now, the turn of the millennium though...that was a special time. I'd really liked to have experienced it in Japan. That and the bubble era.

Take care :-)

Helen said...

It was interesting being here during the turn of the century. Things have gotten a lot easier to be a foreigner in Japan now than then, so I wouldn't really want to go back.

I could have done with being here during the bubble too! A friend was, he could make $100 for an hour private conversation class. I could only dream of something like that!

Thanks for your comments!