September 13, 2021

Monday - Warm and sunny

Today was an odd day! It was good, but started and ended with unplanned things!

I got up when my alarm rang, or a few minutes later. I was tired as I had gone to bed later than usual last night. I came back to the room to do my habitual news watching. I watched until it finished and then tried to watch the earlier news that I had recorded. After the BBC news finished, they put on German news or something so I fast forwarded the DVR. Unfortunately, I fell asleep again around then and woke up when the DVR reset itself and baseball blared out of the TV. I napped a bit longer and turned off my alarms when they rang. I was quite asleep when I started hearing voices. It seems that I somehow managed to start a video chat with a friend in Canada! I hadn’t talked to her in ages, and she had guests so it was more of a “Hi, Bye, and sorry to have interrupted you!” kind of thing. I had to wake up properly then!

I dressed and went downstairs to grab breakfast. I got my food and then came back upstairs to eat. I basically had a quiet day. I watched The Running Man in the morning, had lunch in the afternoon and watched my weekend kid’s programmes that I record. I watched the news and did some of my online stuff. I also had a quick review of my classes for tomorrow. I hope they got well. 

I went down to begin dinner when F called. Tonight I did garlic shrimp with some cucumber pickle stuff, salad, and some spinach. That was from the store, frozen, I just had to microwave it!  F and K had rice with theirs, I skipped that.

After dinner I did the dishes. It wasn’t a very complicated dinner, so it wasn’t too bad. I made up some more tea for tomorrow’s dinner and then listened to a couple of podcasts, so the time went by easily. 

I went upstairs after I finished and relaxed a bit. I wrote some email and caught up on Facebook. A little after 10 I went downstairs to take a shower. I undressed, got in the shower and…there was no hot water! Yikes. I tried to phone F but he didn’t hear the phone, so I went upstairs in my robe and asked him if he’d put kerosene in the water heater’s tank lately. He hadn’t. Unfortunately we didn’t have very much kerosene on hand, but there was enough so that I could take my shower. Yay! No cold showers for me.

I came upstairs and watched The Good Wife and did a few rows of crochet during it. It was odd to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan in it as a probably good guy! I’m so used to seeing him as the bad guy Neegan on The Walking Dead that it gives me shivers!

So that’s it for my day. Tomorrow I hope to have two good classes and I have to cook dinner. And…it’s our twentieth anniversary! We have two days we celebrate, tomorrow is the first. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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