November 25, 2021

Thursday - Rainy again

I got up this morning when my alarm went off. I went downstairs and then I came back to my room. I watched the news from the bed and then took a little nap afterwards. I didn’t have a visitor at least today. 

I had a quiet day for the most part. I worked on my craft for the ornament exchange I am doing, and got quite a bit done. Woot. 

I went downstairs a little late to make my lunch. While I was there, I warmed up the leftovers from yesterday and then gave them to K to make sure she had something to eat. She was happy.

I came upstairs to eat. I watched a little telly in the afternoon and then watched the news from the US. I got a text from F asking if I needed to go out tonight. I didn’t and said so. He wanted to have a massage tonight. I told him to go ahead but to please wait until after dinner. 

I went downstairs and got a start on dinner. F showed up a little later. He was rather critical of how I planned to cook the carrots. I had a few things to get ready and F was getting in my way. It was rather annoying. He went off after a few minutes and I kept on cooking. Finally, I had most things ready. I’d been running to the table between timers to set the table. No help, same as usual. F was sitting in the living room, playing with his phone. I gave F and K their plates. F couldn’t get a massage tonight so he’d decided to go to the onsen with his mother instead. I told F to go ahead and start and I would be out as soon as the carrots were ready. 

I came back to the living room and nobody was eating. F got mad at me for no reason and said that he didn’t want to eat. I said that it was no problem and he stormed off. 

K and I ate and enjoyed our meal. It was really good. I just don’t know what F was thinking. He seems to think that he is punishing me by not eating with me. Actually, he isn’t. 

I cleared the table and started the dishes. F had buggered off upstairs after making himself some noodles I think. He’d used the cutting board, washed it, and put it back where it usually lives. I was putting some plates of food in the fridge and there was a huge bang. The cutting board had slipped off the shelf and slid onto the floor, knocking down a bunch of recyclables that were waiting to dry. I had to pick everything up. I am just really glad that I had already put my glasses in the sink as they weren’t damaged. My plates were okay too. Whew. I got on with the dishes and even was nice enough to wash the cutting board at the end. 

F and K finally left to go to the onsen and I finished up and went upstairs. I had a nice, relaxing time at my computer. I worked a little bit more on my ornament. I cut out some wings and painted them with nail polish. The room smelled quite bad after that.

F and K came back and after a while, F came to the room. He didn’t talk to me and I didn’t talk to him. 

I took a shower and then came back upstairs with my stuff. He was already in bed, so I went over to my side of the room and closed the doors quite a bit. 

And that’s my day. I’m not sure what F was getting all het up about. I know that his back is bad when it is raining, but not interested in being blamed for bad weather. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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