January 12, 2022

Wednesday - Windy all day, cold too

I went to bed rather late last night, but it was hard to think about bed because the wind was so noisy. It was so loud. I went to bed finally but woke up with the noise around 5:30. I did go back to sleep, but it was still noisy when I finally got up.

I watched the news from the bed and then took a little bit of a nap. F texted to say he would take tomorrow off. Oh wow. 

When I got up, I did a load of laundry and hung it upstairs. I cleaned the bathroom sink and the mirror too. Yay me.  I had breakfast and a bit later on lunch. I saw K a couple of times, but she didn’t see me I think. 

I had a very quiet afternoon. I watched Mannequin in the afternoon, and to be honest, enjoyed it. It has aged, but not as badly as Short Circuit did. Kim Cattrall was excellent too.

F called fairly early tonight to say he was on his way. I went downstairs and got my dishes washed, then I started the shrimp packets defrosting in cold water. Tonight I did garlic shrimp stirfry with another stirfry of vegetables. F and K got to have rice with their meal, I had couscous. It wasn’t the best I’ve ever made, but it was okay.

Dinner was fine. It wasn’t my finest effort again, but it was edible and hot and I liked it. All of the shrimp disappeared, but there was a little stir-fry leftover. 

I did the dishes and they didn’t take too long as I had only used one pan for cooking. I finished listening to the New Year Podcast of the movie programme I like, then the latest version of it. I only had time for a few minutes of the latter one though.

I went upstairs and a bit later when F came up, I watched New Amsterdam from last week. After that, I went downstairs and took a shower. I didn’t watch today’s episode of New Amsterdam though. 

F had a bit of a bad night though. First he couldn’t find his computer cord to plug it in, then he managed to damage his screen and now it has lines in a couple of places. Oh dear. I hope he can figure it out.

That’s about it for me. F has some paperwork that he has to do, and I made him promise to take me out for lunch since we didn’t go to the store tonight. We’ll have to go tomorrow.

The kerosene ran out up here tonight, so I had to go down and fill it up. Boo. Still, it is done for a couple of days.

Okay, this is getting boring so I should end this. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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