January 25, 2022

Tuesday - Clear and warmish

I managed to get to bed a little earlier last night. Yay. Unfortunately, I woke up around 5 in the morning and had to go downstairs. On my way back, I saw K who was also making a trip to the loo.  I went back upstairs and fell asleep again. Of course, F was noisy this morning and almost woke me up, but I managed to stay asleep until my alarm went off. 

I had a quiet morning and did a bit of snoozing before I got up and checked my computer. I had an early lunch and then started to get ready for my classes. I rearranged my room and then when it was time taught my lessons. They went fairly well today. Hurray!

After my classes I put away my table and chair, I had a cup of coffee that wasn’t decaf, and relaxed and watched the news from the afternoon. I played a bit of a computer game and then F called to say he was on the way back.

I went downstairs and started on dinner. Tonight I made chicken wings again, with a new recipe using baking powder so they would be extra crispy. It actually worked quite well. I started a bit late, so dinner was late tonight too. Oh, dear. Tonight we had fried eggplant, salad, chicken wings and some gyoza from the fridge.  It was quite nice I think.

I did dishes afterwards and listened to my podcasts. It took quite a while as my pans were really caked on. I got it all done finally and then I went upstairs to change.

F and I went to the store and did some shopping. We got a basketful of stuff and then went over to the cash register. We were nearly there when F got a strange look on his face and he looked in his wallet. It didn’t have any money in it! Luckily I had some today so I could give him some.

Sadly, F chose to go through the self-checkout. As always it was a struggle I tell you. I always ask him to hand me the heavy items first as they should go on the bottom of the bag. He gave me potato chips. Then lettuce. He finally gave me things like udon which was heavy and eggs and oh good grief. Luckily, everything did seem to make it back in one piece.

We put away the groceries and then F went upstairs. I took the last of the muffins, heated it up and then buttered it. I took it upstairs and F and I shared it. It’s quite funny, K has taken a whole Costco muffin each of the last two days for her breakfast, while F and I shared one because it was so big!

I watched a TV programme and then turned off the TV. F watched some YouTube and I did on my computer too. 

And, that was my day. It was good but I’m a bit tired. Oh, and F called me this morning and told me he probably has to work on Saturday. He has taken Friday off instead. I don’t know if I’ll ever get my column written!

OH, and we might be going into some sort of lockdown in my area on Thursday as the Covid numbers are getting worse. Yikes.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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