Monday - Clear and sunny
I went to bed at an almost decent (for me) time and managed to wake F up. Oh, dear. We did fall asleep fairly soon afterwards though.
This morning, F overslept a bit because he’d changed his alarm clock over the weekend and forgot to change it back. Oh no! He made it to work on time I think.
I got up at my usual time, did my usual news watching from the bed. I had a bit of a snooze too this morning, it was nice and I needed it. When I got up I went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast, I came upstairs and ate it. I watched a bit of an odd movie called R.I.A. about an android on a reality TV programme. People would spend one day with her and they could do what they liked after 9 pm with her. It was a tad odd but had its moments.
Later on, I channel surfed and found White Nights on. It’s still a firm favourite of mine. Mikhail Baryshnikov and Gregory Hines dancing together, how can you lose? I always forget that Helen Mirren is in that film, she’s as fab as ever!
I went and got my lunch, then watched the rest of the film and even went back to catch some extra bits I missed when I was downstairs.
I did start a bit of my column today. I didn’t get a lot done, but I got some done and that was good. I also did look at one of my lessons for tomorrow, I went through the book and had a think about how to do things. Teaching online is a bit more complicated than teaching in person.
F texted me all afternoon that he was going to take time off so he could take his mother to the doctor. He was supposed to be off after 3:15 but then sent me a message saying he had to stay at work for something or other. Later he texted to say he’d be late, around 7:00pm. Ack.
I went downstairs a little early tonight. I was expecting a delivery between 6 and 8 pm and I was going to do two dishes from scratch tonight. One was making soup from a new recipe. I turned on the outside light, and about 2 minutes later, the doorbell rang. It was my delivery! The guy was 20 minutes early, but I shouldn’t complain. I got my books.
I did my dishes quickly then got stuck into making soup. It went well, but for some reason, I was quite nervous about it. It was well underway when F called to say he was finished work and was on his way back. It wasn’t 7 pm yet!
F came back and my soup got made. It was bubbling away on the stove. I also got the pork stir-fry done. I used some local pork and some veggies from the grocery store, some pre-cut and bagged ones.
It came together really quickly except I was just so angry tonight. I wanted to yell at my husband for stuff but I don’t even know why. I find January to be a stressful month and my column isn’t done and dinner had to be cooked and so on. And of course, F had to have kimchi with dinner, so he put out plates for each of us for that and then there was a bowl for his mother’s rice and I actually asked him if he was going to wash them afterwards. There is NO reason in my opinion why we need 50 million plates to eat unless he gets me a dishwasher to clean them all in. And he won’t because it just isn’t done here.
Dinner was okay and got good reviews. The stir-fry was good and the soup was nice. It was a tad salty from the consommĂ© cubes, but I couldn’t help that. I didn’t put any extra salt in it.
F, to do him credit, was all set to do the dishes, but I told him he didn’t have to. He escaped and went upstairs. It took about an hour to get the dishes clean and the stove wiped off. I can’t believe that I’m the only one that does that. I’m not the worst mess maker though.
I went upstairs when I was done and relaxed for a bit. I took a shower around 10:30 and came up and watched The Good Wife. It is so good at the moment I will miss it when it is finished. I watched the fishing show afterwards, the one from New Zealand. I just found out today that the host of it is the fiancé of the Prime Minister of New Zealand. Cool!
And that’s about it for me. F took a shower too and is now snoozing away. I have to get to bed right away as I need more sleep when I teach.
Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….
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