February 1, 2022

Tuesday - Sunny and warmer

I actually managed to drag myself to bed at an almost normal time last night. It was still after one, but not too much after one am.  I slept fairly well and did feel quite a bit better in the morning. 

F was one restless dude today. He kept wanting to go and make breakfast for his mother. I told him that she doesn’t usually get up very early these days, but he didn’t really believe me! He finally did make her something to eat. I relaxed for a while and then got up and got dressed. 

I had my lunch around 11:30 and then got myself ready to teach. F, to do him credit, was pretty good about going downstairs and staying out of my way. I started my classes on time and things went fairly well today. 

After I finished teaching, I let F know that I was done and I watched the US news on the TV. I discussed dinner with F and he said that his mother didn’t want any food. I said that I’d make some food and if she wanted to have some she could, and if not, maybe tomorrow. 

Tonight I did some fairly easy things. I made an eggplant and onion stir-fry, heated up some Japanese-style burgers and also heated up some garlic rice.  We had some salad with it too. 

I set the table and called F down. He got his mother up and persuaded her to come to the table.  I had given her a small plate for dinner. I said to F that small plates aren’t so scary when you are sick and they can be refilled!  As I expected, K actually ate quite a bit. She had a lot of little bites of things and did have seconds of a couple, so that was good. 

I did the dishes afterwards while K went back to bed. F relaxed for a while and then when I finished, we both went upstairs. 

We had a quiet evening in. I watched a bit of TV later on and then turned off the TV.  We’ve had a bit of chatting from time to time and we are both still up. It’s a bit later than last night now, but I really should get my butt to bed. I’m also feeling a lot better than I did last night, so that’s good!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Rosa said...

Hi Helen, sounds like you've had a rough time recently. Hope things are getting better now. Don't know how you deal with the winter weather you all get. We have snow coming tomorrow and I'm already dreading it even though it will only be about two inches if that!

Stay warm!

Helen said...

Thank you! It hasn't been great. I am so glad that January is over! I hope that February is a much better month, although it hasn't been a great start.

Yes, we have tons of snow, and more forecast, but it isn't too cold right now. Warmer often means more snow--not fair!

Take care!