Monday - Sunny and warmish
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I woke up this morning when F was getting ready for work. I managed to fall back asleep and woke up when my own alarm went off. I didn’t get up for ages though. I’m afraid that I made good use of my snooze button today.
After I dragged myself out of bed, I went downstairs to grab some breakfast. I had some cereal and yogurt, same as usual. I ate it upstairs and watched a bit of YouTube too.
I had a quiet day really. There wasn’t much on TV except for the Olympics and since we all know how I feel about the Olympics, you’ll understand that I didn’t watch any of it.
I did a bit of mending in the afternoon and I did check on my classes for tomorrow, so that was good. They should be okay I think.
F called to say that he was on his way a bit after 5. I went downstairs to start dinner. Tonight I did lemon pepper chicken in the toaster oven and air-fried some frozen vegetables. The websites that I checked assured me that they would be very nice…they were okay, but I sort of feel that I wasted my nice veggies! We had salad and I served a soup risotto to K and me, and miso soup to F since he didn’t want the risotto stuff. Dinner was okay and it didn’t take too long to clean up afterwards.
I relaxed upstairs for a while and then took a shower. When I came back upstairs I started a new crochet project, just a dishcloth, but I’m trying an easier pattern than the last one I tried. It went okay but was a bit big, so I frogged it and restarted it.
F went to sleep fairly early. I think he was quite tired after work today. He gave me another box of liqueur-filled chocolates, these ones are Japanese liqueurs. I’m in no hurry to open this box either. He must have been desperate to buy chocolates when he found these boxes…. I apologized to him both yesterday and today when I told him that I didn’t have anything for him. I wasn’t able to go out for over a week so I couldn’t do any shopping.
Anyway, I do want to get to bed fairly soon, so I’ll end this here. Tomorrow I have my classes in the afternoon and then I’m going to be cooking dinner in the evening. We’ll probably buy some groceries in the evening too.
Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….
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