February 13, 2022

Sunday - Cloudy but warm

I had a long lie in this morning. It’s probably my last one for a while so I made sure to enjoy it! I went downstairs early on and then came back to bed. Somewhere around 11 I dragged myself out of bed and had a quick breakfast.

F came back upstairs a bit later after giving his mother her brunch. We talked about going out and I suggested going to Coco’s so that I could get my free birthday dessert. F was okay with that so off we went. However, when we arrived he realized that he hadn’t brought along his money! He did have his wallet, but not a lot of cash. I offered to pay since I did have money today. 

We had a pretty nice meal. I had my favourite pork burger in a mustard cream sauce. It came with a baked potato on the side and I added on drink and soup bar, plus a nice bun. It was good. The free dessert was great too. The waiter offered to play their version of Happy Birthday, but I begged him not to play it. Today wasn’t my birthday after all, but it was in this month, so I got the free dessert. 

Isn't this nice? It was very good too.

We popped back to the house for F to pick up some money and then we went off again and picked up some groceries for the next couple of days. We also got a bento for K’s dinner too.

We came back to the house and F gave his mother the bento, and he also put away the groceries. Nice guy!

We left soon afterwards and then headed out to Mikawa. We bought our tickets to go and see Ghostbusters: Afterlife. We had a few minutes so we hacked around the mall for a bit. Sad to say, even more stores in Mikawa’s mall have closed. The latest one is one I liked, Plus Heart. They had some nice kitchen stuff but recently went more towards more bath and beauty goods. 

We went back to the cinema and then bought some drinks. We went into the cinema and watched our movie. It was fun. I wouldn’t say it was great, but I did enjoy it and thought they did a nice tribute to Harold Ramis.

After the movie, F and I headed back into Tsuruoka and talked about dinner. I suggested a sushi place and he was okay with that. We ended up going to Kappa Sushi. We arrived and their outside lights were out. We got there at 8:27 or so and they were stopping people coming in at 8:30. They closed at 9 pm today. I wasn’t too pleased with F. I didn’t think that we’d be able to have a decent meal, and I was right. We did get quite a bit of food, however, so that’s not too bad. F ordered a special because he has an app, I ordered some fries, onion rings and fried chicken. F also ordered a few extra bits of sushi for us. We were probably the last customers but did leave just after 9 pm.

We drove back to the house but F suggested going on to the new drugstore near our house. He wanted some sellotape. We bought quite a lot of things at the drugstore, but that’s okay! I got stuff for the kitchen and some more cereal because I was out of some. 

At the house, F watched some of the Olympics in the room. It was annoying for me because I was between the TV and him. He also wasn’t watching it properly. He was watching stuff on his computer too. He had the TV volume up so I was getting it a bit too loudly for me.

Anyway, he stopped watching so I turned off the TV and now he’s gone to sleep I think. He is going back to work tomorrow, I hope he’ll be okay.

I’m not completely sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. I should review my lessons for Tuesday and maybe do a bit of tidying up. Maybe. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Monday. Until tomorrow….

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