February 16, 2022

Wednesday - Snowy and Colder

I woke up when F got up this morning but managed to go back to sleep. My alarm went off a bit later and I did get up, go downstairs, change into my day clothes and then went back to bed. I didn’t really fall asleep again though. I managed to stay awake. I almost watched a movie and then was going to watch another film that was actually quite note-worthy when I decided to catch the Kevin Costner show that I missed last night. 

I went downstairs to grab lunch, got it and brought it upstairs. I had a nice lunch. After lunch, I prepared another lesson for next week and went through the notes to think about how to teach it online. It’s always a bit complicated doing it that way. 

F called me later to say that he was going to the doctor instead of coming straight back to the house. He said that his knee was sore. While he did that, I went downstairs and got a start on dinner. 

I was busy. We couldn’t find salad last night, so I made coleslaw by slicing up part of a cabbage. I prepared some eggplant for frying in my air fryer, and then I went to the freezer to get out the bibinba rice I bought last night. What I saw in the freezer was a lake in the ice cube section. Oh no. I checked other parts of the freezer and all my food was getting soft. ACK!  I emptied out the ice cube water and then kept the door closed. Since I bought the rice last night, I wasn’t too concerned about it going off, so got it ready to cook. Around 7 I sent F a message asking him if he was coming back soon. He texted back to say that he wasn’t done yet. I decided that I’d finish cooking and then feed K and myself. I heated up the rice, cooked the pork, set the table, cooked the eggplant and the mushrooms, etc. I put it on the table and K and I started. 

F did come back while we were eating and he could barely walk. It was really sad looking at him. He sat down and started taking food, which was great. Then I told him I’d make more rice if he’d finish what was on the table. He took the dish, took off the plastic and put it on the table. I was annoyed as I was going to reuse the plastic. Then, he wouldn’t hand back the spoon. We both got annoyed with each other and then he stormed/limped off to the kitchen and refused to eat any of my lovely food. I believe he ate his mother’s old bento from last night and some ramen. 

I tried to show him the fridge and he didn’t have any ideas about it.  He made his own dinner and I went upstairs for a few minutes after I cleared the table. When I left, F was washing my frypan. He didn’t use my fry pan. When I came back a few minutes later, he was washing my frypan. And he advised me that it needed to be soaked in soapy water after I used it. I knew that. I did put hot water in it but didn’t have time or a place to put it. 

I shooed him off and I did the dishes. Did I mention that we don’t have any hot water tonight? Yes, for some reason, the water heater wasn’t working either. Gah. I heated some up in the kettle, but rinsing was in lukewarm water.

After finishing the dishes I did up the garbage, emptied it out and then I started another bag and emptied out the freezer. I kept a few things that I think I can cook tomorrow night or will use in the next couple of days. I gave F the small ice cream that was in the freezer, but he said later that it was ice cream soup. 

I normally give F the job of taking out the garbage but I didn’t want to make him carry heavy garbage with a bad leg, so I went upstairs, grabbed my ID and my coat, and brought down my garbage from the room. I took out three bags of garbage to the gomi station and then came back inside. I washed my hands and went upstairs. 

It was late and since there was no hot water I didn’t want to take a shower. I tried to relax for a while and watched my Wednesday show, which was pretty good, except it was mostly about people having babies. 

F came up after midnight. He’d been downstairs watching curling. Dear heavens…he’s become a curling fan. I left Canada to get away from curling. (Well, sort of!)

He said he couldn’t sleep because of his knee pain, but in fact, he has fallen asleep on the bed. I’m sure he’ll say that he hasn’t later, but he’s fast asleep. 

Anyway, that was it for my day. Yesterday, F broke a glass and a cup, today the freezer died and so has the hot water. It sounds like a bad week to me. Maybe I should go and check into a hotel tomorrow and leave K and F to it. It’s nice to think about, but I probably won’t do it. 

Come back later if you like and hear if my Thursday gets any better. Until tomorrow…. 

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