February 17, 2022

Thursday - Warm but snowy

I overslept this morning. I planned to wake up about an hour before I did. Oops. When I got up, I went downstairs, checked the freezer…no joy…and then came back upstairs. I sorted my laundry and then took a load downstairs and got it going in the machine. I came back upstairs with my breakfast and ate it.

I did another load too and then hung it up of course. I heard what sounded like a snowplough outside, so I went outside and shovelled some snow for a while. I was out there for about an hour and worked very hard! The sound I heard wasn’t a snowplough, it was a Cat working on the ground next to us. That meant that I couldn’t sneakily take the snow over to the land next to our house. I had to pile it up harder in the garden. I had to work very, very hard!  I got the parking area and the steps to the house cleared off. I was exhausted when I came back into the house. 

I grabbed my lunch and then went upstairs to eat. I had something that I had rescued from the freezer and it was okay. 

I had a quiet afternoon, but I was tired and watched some YouTube rather than TV. F called a bit after 5 pm and after a bit, I went downstairs and got started on dinner. 

Tonight was more rescued food from the freezer. I knew that it was my last chance to use stuff, so we had some burgers that were in there and I cooked the pack of bacon that was in the fridge. I used my air fryer for that and it was brilliant. I didn’t have to worry about it burning or anything. I did have fun cleaning it up afterwards though.

When F came back for dinner he went upstairs and I finished up the cooking. He came downstairs finally to eat and we had a good meal. I did the dishes afterwards and went upstairs.

I took a shower around 10:30. Happily, the hot water started working again today. I wish the fridge would too. 

I watched The Rookie and it was a good one, right up until the end of the show. That was annoying. I don’t want to spoiler it in case anyone else is watching it but why can’t they let women meet nice guys? I worked on my dishcloth tonight too. I had to cut the cotton tonight as it had a huge knot in it. Boo!

That’s about it for today. F finally offered to see if we could go to the fancy restaurant for my late birthday meal. I suggested making a reservation for next week, or whenever the quasi-state of emergency is over. Most restaurants won’t serve alcohol after 8:00 pm at the moment and while I’m not much of a drinker, F enjoys beer or wine with a fancy meal. It should finish this week and I don’t think it is being renewed, so even next weekend might be better.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Friday. Until tomorrow….


Que Pasa Calabaza? said...

Can you put the freezer stuff outside to stay cold for now?

Helen said...

Unfortunately no! The temperature is fluctuating a lot these days. It is often above zero in the daytime. Tomorrow the high will be 5 degrees, which is too warm for food safety. Also, I'd worry about the neighbourhood animals finding our stash! There are a lot of crows and cats, and last year there was a bear spotted in the area. Our neighbours would love us if we encouraged a bear to visit us!!

Besides...I tossed everything in the freezer. It is literally empty now. The fridge still has a few things in it, but honestly, I'm probably going to toss most of the stuff in there too.

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