February 20, 2022

Sunday - Cold, windy and then snowy

I went to bed at an insane hour last night/this morning. I was trying to upload photos to this blog and also to Facebook, but for some reason, Facebook kept eating my photos. It was annoying.

I woke up early once to make a trip downstairs, then fell back asleep. I overslept and woke up in the afternoon. Oops. F was downstairs and watching the Olympics again. He came up a little later and asked if I’d like to go for brunch. I said yes of course! I suggested going to Arpeggio, we haven’t been there in ages and F was good with that.

The two of us drove off and had a lovely meal. It wasn’t terribly busy today, so we could get in right away. F was able to get his 10 dish meal and I had the bacon and egg donburi. 

After we finished our lunch we came back to the house and got stuck into switching fridges. We washed K’s old, now broken fridge and took out all of the pieces and cleaned them too. It was a ton of work and I was rather upset to have to give up my Sunday doing it. However, F was also giving up his Sunday and he has even less time off than I do so, I had to stop complaining and get on with it. So, we got the fridge cleaned. F and I had to move it, but his sister came to visit just after we did. She just popped in to drop off some seaweed, pray at the family shrine and see her mother. It was nice to see her. 

I emptied the other fridge and put the stuff in boxes or on the stairs to keep it safe when moving the fridge. I went to the washroom and when I came out, F had already moved the fridge into the space. I refilled the fridge.

After that, I washed some of my pots and pans and baking dishes, dried them, and put them in K’s old fridge for storage. Since there is no room for my stuff in the kitchen, I had to create this little space for myself. It works rather well too. 

F popped out to get a nice bento for K. He also got some takoyaki which he gave some to K and then we shared the rest of them. I haven’t had any for ages! We went out for dinner, the two of us. It was only to Gusto, but it was fine. We both had chicken. I had a new dish with mozzarella and some veggies. It was quite nice. We both had drink bar and we shared an order of fries. The fries were a little more expensive today. Apparently, there is a shortage of french fries in Japan because of the shipping delays. I also got my cheap dessert tonight! The Gusto App gives you a cheap dessert during your birthday month. It was quite nice…a little chocolate cake and some soft ice cream. 

After we ate, we went over to MaxValu and did some grocery shopping. We had to buy quite a lot tonight, we needed to get replacements for the staples that I had to throw out. 

We came back to the house and put away the groceries and then came upstairs. We had a very quiet evening except that F watched the Closing Ceremonies of the Olympics. Now F is asleep I think. He’s back at work tomorrow, he has a meeting in the morning so he isn’t officially working at that time I think. 

Anyway, that’s about it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my Monday. Until tomorrow….

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