February 5, 2022

Saturday - Cold and snowy

Hubby woke me up this morning but it was okay because I was expecting it. I went back to sleep soon afterwards. I finally got up this morning around 11 when my alarm went off. 

I went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast, came up and ate. F was in the living room.  I had breakfast and then relaxed for a bit. After a while, I got a message from a friend asking if I’d like to video chat so I said I would.  F was in the room then and I cleared it with him. After all, it’s his room too and he’s trying to relax too. 

I set up my computer and my friend and I chatted for almost an hour. It was really nice to talk to someone other than hubby for a change!

I had my lunch and then I went outside and did a little snow shovelling. Oh good grief, we have so much snow. The snowplough had been by, so we had a big wall of snow onto the road, and there was about a foot of snow on the ground. Ack. 

I dug out the snow shovel and got to work. I cleared a path from the road back up to the house. It took a while, and I did a little bit of other snow shovelling too. We were expecting a food delivery later in the day and I wanted to make sure that the person could get up to the house. 

I did a pretty good job and then came back into the house. It was quite chilly outside today. 

I went back upstairs again for a while.  F had been bopping around all day. He watched some of the Olympics downstairs I think and had to go down early to get things ready for dinner. My goal was to leave him to it!

He told me that things were almost ready and the delivery person had just left the shop, so I finished up what I was doing and went downstairs. I hung out in the living room and “helped” F by putting things out that he had forgotten….drinks, soy sauce plates. I even heard the delivery car before he did, so sent him off to the door.  After all that, our sashimi bowls had arrived. F got his mother up, and we gathered and ate our dinner. 

The sashimi bowls were very nice and they came with chawanmushi.  F made miso soup and earlier in the day, his sister had dropped off some food for us. To be honest, most of it was a little more authentic Japanese than I like, but I appreciate the gesture so much and I liked some of it. 

After dinner, K went back to bed and F and I watched some of the Ski-Jumping. He finally went off to do dishes so I brought some of the things he’d forgotten to clear off the table to him and then buggered off upstairs. 

We had a quiet evening. I think F stayed downstairs to watch Olympics for a bit, I watched a bit of YouTube and then when F came up had a bit of a chat with him.

This was not the birthday I had planned, but the birthday that I got was fine. I would still have preferred going to the fancy hotel with F and having our gorgeous dinner, but…since we couldn’t go out, this was quite nice. 

I watched some Apple TV after F went to bed and enjoyed that a lot. 

I have no idea what we’ll get up to tomorrow. I did suggest that we do some snow shovelling, but I’m not sure if F will go for that. It also depends on what the weather is like tomorrow!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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