August 2, 2022

Tuesday - Sunny and oppressively hot, humid and some rain

I went to bed a little late last night, so I’m going to try and get to bed earlier tonight. Probably. I woke up this morning at 8 AM and it was already 29 degrees in our room. It was horrid. I went downstairs, came back and basically watched the news and then tried to take a bit of a snooze. I heard the doorbell ring so I got dressed in case I was summoned downstairs. I wasn’t.

I snoozed a bit and then got up. I grabbed breakfast and came back up to eat. As I did yesterday, I took a bit of a nap after my breakfast. I did turn on the AC, I had to. It was already over 30 degrees. 

I had a very quiet day today. I had grabbed lunch a bit late and discovered that there were a lot of new veggies in the kitchen. There were also some turban shells in the vegetable crisper. I moved them to the regular fridge. 

I went upstairs and ate my lunch. I started to watch The Handmaid’s Tale from last week and then got a text from a friend. She asked me if I would do a video chat with her. I thought about it and couldn’t see a reason why I couldn’t!  I set up my computer in the bedroom area and a few minutes later we were chatting 19 to the dozen!  We’re hoping to meet up in a couple of weeks so we talked about tentative plans. Sadly, I knew that F would be calling me in a little so we had to ring off. 

I watched some of the news that I had missed and then F did call. He told me that he had to check something out first, so he’d be a bit late. Oh, dear.

I didn’t go downstairs until 6 pm. One of the first things I did was close off the living room and the kitchen from the rest of the world! I turned on the AC. I had to wake K up, she was sleeping on her bed. She came through to the living room though.

I wasn’t sure what to make tonight with our main course, so I decided to make some cucumber sticks and green pepper sticks and I would open up a tub of hummus for that. We didn’t have a salad, but I also sautéed some mushrooms.  I did a steam shabu-shabu again and this time I didn’t let the water boil away. Whew! 

K and I had about finished dinner when F appeared. I finished up and then got a start on doing the dishes. When F finished, he decided to cook the turban shells. Yuck. Of course, he got in my way and vice versa. He wanted to cook them in my new toaster oven but I said no!

He ate, and I did the dishes, but I refused to deal with his turban shells, so I walked off and left them. I think K washed his plate…I’m a bit sorry about that, but honestly, the meal was really nice and they weren’t needed. 

I went upstairs and changed then a few minutes later F and I drove over to MaxValu. I asked if he wanted to go in but he didn’t. Yay. I’m much faster without him.  I picked up a couple of simple-to-make things for dinner for the next couple of nights. I’m a bit tired of spending lots of time in a hot steamy kitchen. 

I came back out to the car and we came back to the house. I put the groceries away and then came upstairs in time to watch FBI International. It’s okay. I’m grudgingly thinking it might be watchable. The Criminal Minds off-shoot a few years ago with Gary Sinese doing stuff around the world was so Pro-American that it was really annoying. I quit watching after three episodes or something. 

So, that was my day. I watched a bunch of YouTube and sadly didn’t get to bed any earlier. Oh, dear. Well, there’s always tomorrow!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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