May 1, 2023

 Monday - Rainy, cloudy, sunny and warmish

I woke up this morning after F had left the room. I checked the time and went back to sleep for 20 minutes or so. I got up later, went downstairs and then came back to watch the BBC News. When that was over I went back to bed and slept on. 

I got up, went downstairs and got out my cereal bowl. Unfortunately, I saw something skittering across the bottom of the bowl. It was a very light-coloured spider. Yuck! Obviously, I washed the bowl very well before I put my cereal in. I couldn’t help but worry about how the rest of the day would go!

I went upstairs, watched a little YouTube, ate breakfast, and then watched some of the news on the DVR. I went downstairs to grab lunch a little while later, brought it up and watched even more YouTube! Finally though, I put on that weird reality show, The One That Got Away and watched two episodes of it! It’s weird, but not terrible.

F called after 5 to say he was finished work and was on his way back. I went downstairs and got a start on the kitchen. F and K had left the kitchen in a horrid mess, the stove, in particular, was terrible. F’s favourite way of figuring out if something is boiling is to boil it over. He never cleans the stove after himself. I had a wack of my own dishes to wash and then there were a lot of things from K too. I got that done and then I got a start on my cooking. 

I was making an eggplant/mushroom/onion stirfry and was cutting up the eggplants when it happened. F’s heavy cutting board slipped off the windowsill and crashed into my board. I was displeased, to say the least. I cleaned up and put the board back up. 3 minutes later, it slipped down again. I’m afraid I was rather angry, so I threw the cutting board down on the floor and left it there for a while. Eventually, I picked it up and put it on some of K’s stuff.

I got my eggplant cut up and then I microwaved it for a while. When it was slightly cooked, I threw it into my stir-fry pan with some oil, mushrooms and onions and let it do its stuff.

I also roasted some chicken pieces in the toaster oven and got things ready to go on the table. I was a little late putting things out and F was down before I had the table quite set, but since I don’t get help, that’s just tough for him.

Dinner did get some good reviews, so that was good. I cleaned up afterwards and it didn’t take too long. Longer than I wanted, but I was done before 9 pm so that was great. 

I went upstairs and relaxed with some YouTube for a while before I decided to finally watch the first episode of Ted Lasso’s third season. It was really good. I’ve been waiting to watch it and decided that today was the day.

And that was about it for me. Tomorrow F is off work and has an afternoon appointment. I’m hoping to go to S-Mall and do a little shopping and maybe coffee drinking! Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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