May 12, 2023

Friday - Cool but sunny

F woke me up again, this time it was around 7 am. He took his temperature and decided that he wouldn’t go to see his surgeon. I went downstairs and then went back to sleep. Around 8:30 F phoned the hospital to let the surgeon know that he couldn’t come today. I slept again. I dragged myself out of bed around 10 am, went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast. 

I came back upstairs and ate and had a cup of tea. F had been sleeping for a while but then got up. He wanted to go out almost right away. He wanted to go to City Hall and then to have brunch. I didn’t really want to go to City Hall, but he was in a bit of a pouty mood at the time, so I said I’d go. I got dressed and we went off.

F did his business at City Hall…something to do with his new car’s parking space…and then we talked about lunch. I suggested a place I wanted to go, but F overran my idea and dragged me to his favourite fish place again. Sigh. It was okay. We both had the daily lunch which was grilled masu (like trout, very nice) and some sashimi…meh. Lunch was fine and I gave F some coffee when we finished. 

After lunch, I requested that we go to Gyomu Supa. We drove there and I got some stuff in the shop. I picked up a couple of frozen things and a few snacks. I came back to the car and then F and I went to a drugstore. He wanted some OTC medicine, but he couldn’t get it at that particular store. We went back to the house and then took a rest. 

A little later, F went out again. He asked if I wanted to go, but I didn’t. He went to his office to get some flowers for K that he’d ordered and then he had to go to a convenience store too. I suggested that he get his mother a bento for her dinner as well. He left and I continued my YouTube stuff.

When he came back, he brought nice icy treats for us but no bento for his mother. He gave his mother her flowers and she seemed happy. Mother’s Day is coming up. 

We popped out to grab his mother a bento, brought it back to the house and then we went off for our dinner. I had suggested a family restaurant but on the way I remembered that there is a Japanese restaurant that I like, so suggested going there instead. F was quite glad. We went to a soba/udon shop and we both had soba and tempura and it was very nice. They might have been on the verge of closing at the time, but they let us in and were happy to see us. 

After dinner, we came straight back to the house. F went to bed and relaxed. I watched an episode of Ted Lasso and then had a shower. 

When I came back upstairs, I watched another episode of Sanditon and it was so good! However, I Wikipedia’d it and I found out that it isn’t going to end the way I hoped it was. Oh, dear. 

When my show finished, I turned off the TV and got into YouTube. F slept for quite a while and then he woke up for a bit. I think he’s back to sleeping again. 

I’m not sure what we’re going to get up to tomorrow. I want F to take it easy but I’m not sure if he will. I also want F to take me to the movies tomorrow night as there is finally an English movie at the big mall. I hope that we can see it. 

So, come back later if you like and hear all about my Saturday!  Until tomorrow….

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