May 13, 2023

Saturday - Warm and Sunny

I woke up before 7 this morning. I’m not sure what is going on. Is K making noise downstairs that I’m hearing? Is F? He was still asleep when I went downstairs. I came back upstairs and then went back to sleep for a while.

F went out and did his errands in the morning, came back to the house and decided to wake me up. I was less than pleased…sort of a theme for my day really.

I got up, had a cup of tea, and read my blog, the usual. Around 12 F wanted to go and have lunch. He said he’d go and get his mother a bento. I told him to go and I’d finish getting dressed. It took him another 20 minutes before he shifted himself. No, I didn’t want to go to the grocery store. Unlike him, I hate grocery stores. He thinks they are my favourite places.

When he came back, I was ready to go. He gave the bento to his mother and we were off. I suggested going to Kissa Marina and for a change, F was okay with that. We were able to get in and get a table right away. I ordered my favourite, curry pasta and F had pasta with a hamburger. Mine was as good as usual. 

After lunch I suggested going to Musashi to get his mother her favourite canned drink…it’s a soda. It’s a bit too sweet for me, but she likes it. We did that and basically, came back to the house afterwards. We did stop to get some gasoline though. 

F was complaining about having a headache and toothache and the usual things he complains about. I reminded him that I wanted to go to the movie tonight and that he should try and get better through the day.

We came back to the house and he spent his time on the bed and downstairs. Around 5 pm I suggested going to get his mother a bento before we went out and he said that he couldn’t go to the movie tonight. I was and am very disappointed. It’s been ages since there was a movie at the big cinema that we could go to and he’s refusing to go. On the other hand, I know that he isn’t feeling well and it really isn’t a good idea to go out late at night when he’s tired and sick. 

We went out and grabbed bentos all around. I couldn’t deal with an actual bento so I got a “bar set” which was some slices of duck breast, some chicken drumsticks and two big sausages. I had that with a small salad, but I’m getting ahead of myself again.

We came back to the house and I left F and K’s bentos on the table for them. I put mine in the fridge. I didn’t want to eat yet.

F spent hours in the washroom tonight. He must have been watching something on his phone again. It’s so annoying. 

I grabbed my dinner somewhere around 8 and came upstairs and watched an episode of Fringe. It was rather good and I enjoyed it. 

Later on, I went downstairs and washed my dishes, then made some popcorn and came back upstairs to watch FBI. It was a good, if a bit sad episode and I think the officers weren’t exactly the good guys in this situation. 

Today had just been a crap day. I hate weekend days when I’m forced to stay at this house. That’s my weekday. Every day I stay here, I need to get out dammit. Tomorrow I’ll be back to buying groceries for the next week. However, I am probably going to go out on Monday to the big mall and see the movie that I didn’t see tonight. I won’t be cooking that night, at least not if I have anything to say about it. I’ll have to leave early as the bus schedule seems to have changed. Oh well. Normally, I’d just wait until next weekend, but these days, they tend to take the English show away after a week and just show the film in Japanese.

So, that’s it for me. I had a crap day and from the sound of it, F did too. His was probably worse and to top it all off he has an unsympathetic wife. 

Come back later if you like and hear about my Sunday. How bad will it be? Until tomorrow….


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