May 25, 2023

Thursday - Sunny and warmish

Last night, I went to bed before F went to sleep. It’s not that I went early, it’s that he stayed up late. I was even in bed, trying to fall asleep before he put his computer away. 

I woke up this morning and F was downstairs. I heard him coming back up the stairs so I rolled over and went back to sleep. I woke up when my alarm went off and then got up and went downstairs.

I came back and turned on the news and saw the sad news. Tina Turner died. She was fabulous and she was such an amazing artist. When I was in college, I entered an AirBand contest and did one of her songs. I won! I’ve always had a soft spot for Tina ever since.

After the BBC news finished I got dressed and then went back for a snooze. Last night was really cold, and it didn’t get warm until later in the afternoon. I kept hearing noises and I thought they were coming from downstairs. It sounded to me as if K was downstairs and banging around. She does that when she is annoyed. I don’t really think she was, I think the noise coming from outside!

I had breakfast a little after I got up and watched some news and some YouTube too.

I had a quiet afternoon, grabbed my lunch and forgot to turn on the TV before I went downstairs. Oops. I ended up missing a few minutes of the news as the DVR doesn’t record with the TV off. Sigh. It’s been 5 months since we got the DVR and F still hasn’t “had time” to set it up properly yet. I’m not bitter or anything.

F texted me that he would be a bit late, so I didn’t go downstairs until 6 pm. Tonight’s dinner was a pretty easy one. I did a lot of heating up things from the store! We had burgers, fried rice from the freezer (it expired two days ago), air-fried wedge potatoes from the freezer, salad and a zucchini and onion dish that I found the recipe online for. Well, technically it should have had celery and mushrooms in it too, but I didn’t have any. It was good though.

I don’t know what it is about this crew, I just can’t get them to come to the table. F arrived back at the house a few minutes before 7 pm. I told him things were almost ready and to go up and change and come right down. K was sitting in the living room and even though I put the food out on the table and sat down, she wouldn’t come and eat. I yelled to F and he said to wait. I asked if we could start. He didn’t seem too pleased, but honestly, I hate having cold food and everything that was getting cold. 

He finally came down but the fries were cold and the burgers were okay, but a little cooler than I’d like. Gah!

I got to do the dishes afterwards but listened to my podcasts and enjoyed them. All movies all the time. Yeah!

Oh, speaking of…I did get a little more of my column written today. I’m not exactly sure how it’s going to go from here…hopefully, I can pull it off. 

I went upstairs at 9 pm, telling F that I was going up to get changed and I’d like to go out soon. He just sat there. I got changed and waited. I had to take care of a moderation thing so when he came up I asked him for an extra couple of minutes! I was in the middle, it needed to be done. 

We left, but by the time F was ready it was really too late to go to a local grocery store, we had to go to the MaxValu since it stays open all night. I have a love-hate relationship with that place. 

I went in and did the shopping. I got a few things for F and K’s breakfast and for dinner tomorrow night. When I finished I came back to the car with the shopping, gave F the drink that he asked for, and then we came back to the house. 

And that’s about it for my night. I usually watch New Amsterdam tonight, but I haven’t watched last week’s episode yet, so I just recorded it. I tried to find a show to watch, but ended up putting on The Red Green Show which is kind of dumb, but also nostalgic for me, and it’s Canadian, so there’s that!

Not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. I have to do some laundry because I haven’t done any this week, work on my column and cook dinner. Sounds like fun eh?

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow… 

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