May 26, 2023

Friday - Muggy and a bit cool

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I ended up watching the BBC news and then I turned off the recording and then went back to bed and slept for an hour and a bit more.

I got up later and took a load of clothes downstairs and put them in the washing machine. I did a second one too, whew! It’s nice to have my clothes clean.

I had a very quiet afternoon. I watched the news and a bit of YouTube. I worked a little bit on my column, mostly correcting my English and such. I grabbed my lunch around 2pm and ate. Tonight I had a bagel, and a bit of stir fry from earlier in the week and it was pretty good.

F called me to say that he was on the way back and then I went downstairs to get started on dinner. When F arrived I asked him if he’d be okay with what I was making and he said he didn’t want to eat dinner. Sigh. I’m glad he told me early so that I didn’t dirty extra dishes, but I’m afraid I didn’t want to eat with K by myself. 

I made spaghetti tonight and we had that with a salad and some sliced chicken. It was quite good to be honest. K and I ate everything, luckily I put some pasta aside earlier for lunch tomorrow or next week. Oh, there was an earthquake around Chiba during our dinner. I did feel a tiny bit of it here, but it was fairly strong down south.

I cleared the table and washed the dishes, and I was done quite early. Hurray for that. I went upstairs and relaxed for a few minutes and then decided to watch one of the films that I’d been writing about. I watched The Truth About Cats and Dogs and loved it just as much this time around!

When the movie finished, I went downstairs and took a shower. When I came back upstairs I wrote a quick review of the movie and then got into my nightly things.

So, that’s about it for me. Tomorrow I have a couple of things that I have to do, come back tomorrow night and see what I get up to. Until tomorrow….

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