June 1, 2023

Thursday - Sunny and hot

I woke up this morning, went downstairs and then came back upstairs to watch the news. A few minutes later, F called me to tell me that his sister was coming to pick up his mother. I had the feeling that she had already been there. 

I watched the news and snoozed a bit. I went downstairs and K was there! I think she must have come back fairly soon. 

I had a fairly quiet morning and afternoon. In the morning I made up a marinade for tonight’s dinner and grabbed my breakfast. I went upstairs to eat. I watched some news and also some YouTube. Same as usual basically.

I grabbed my lunch and then went upstairs. When the US news finished, I put on Strictly Ballroom and watched that. It was wonderful. It’s just such a fun movie. I really enjoyed seeing it again. I think it has been a few years since I last watched it. 

F called me after I finished the movie and said that he was on the way back. I went downstairs and got started on dinner. Tonight I made a couple of dishes. I did boiled new potatoes, garlic coro-coro steak, and a zucchini-onion-mushroom cheese dish. Dinner was pretty darn good, even if I say so myself! 

After dinner, I cleared the table and started doing the dishes. It took a while, but I got it done before 9 pm, so that was good!

I needed to pick up a few things for tomorrow’s lunch and breakfasts, so we drove over to MaxValu. I went into the store and got a few things. I didn’t get anything for tomorrow night’s dinner because I suggested to F that we go out tomorrow night. I have cooked up a storm this week and it has been a bit stressful. The only thing that might put a spanner in the works is if his dental visit tomorrow night doesn’t go well. I hope he’ll be okay. 

After we got back to the house I put the groceries away and then came upstairs. I put on Fringe tonight instead of watching New Amsterdam. I’m quite behind on that show, so I couldn’t watch tonight’s episode, hence, Fringe. I really enjoyed Fringe tonight. It’s an old show, I know my sister watched it years ago, but I’m really enjoying it. 

F went to bed a little after midnight and I’m going to go to bed soon. I haven’t quite finished my column, but I asked for (and received) an extension, so I should be able to finish it tomorrow. Fingers crossed that I actually do! 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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