May 31, 2023

Wednesday - Sunny and a little warmer

I woke up this morning when F’s alert went off on his phone. Apparently, Dear Leader in North Korea tried to launch a satellite or something this morning. F told me what happened and I went back to sleep. Later, when my alarm went off. I got up but…the news wasn’t on. Well, the news was on, about the satellite or missile or whatever, but not in English and not the BBC news. Sigh. 

I went back to bed for a while after 9 am and slept a little longer. I got up later and grabbed breakfast.  I had a quiet morning and afternoon too. In the morning I wrote a bit of my column. In the afternoon, after lunch, I re-watched The Quick and the Dead and then a little later, went downstairs to start dinner.

Tonight I really outdid myself. I made a cold eggplant dish, cucumber pickle stuff, and a baked tofu dish. We also had pork sautéed and some salad and rice for K and F. I was quite busy today.

When I called F down he took a while to come so I was worried he wasn’t coming. I went upstairs to check and he said that he was coming. Dinner was good and actually got good reviews from everyone. Woot! I washed the dishes and dried them, etc. and then I did up the garbage in the kitchen. 

I had planned to watch my fourth film tonight, but just decided not to as it was quite late. I also had to take a shower tonight, so I couldn’t do all of it at once. 

That’s about it for me though. It was an okay day, but I’m rather tired and a little disappointed since I haven’t finished my column yet. I have to try and get it done tomorrow. Wish me luck with that!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow


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