June 10, 2023

Saturday - Hot and Sunny

We both went to bed very late last night. Well, F had gone at a reasonable time, but he woke up around the time I was trying to go to bed. I didn’t get into bed until almost 5 am. I did my reading and then tried to go to sleep. F was still on his computer. 

I woke up a little before 11 am to an empty room. F had planned to go to a dermatologist, so I wasn’t too worried about him. I got up, got dressed and checked out my computer and the internet. 

When F came back about an hour later he was ready to go for lunch. He had a couple of good suggestions for a change, some nice restaurants. I was impressed and happy. We ended up going to Blackbird Market where we both had the same thing, a green salad, a chicken and mushroom paella and a drink. I loved mine, he thought his was too small. It wasn’t. I had suggested him getting another dish so we could swap a bit, but he changed his mind again when we ordered!

After lunch he wanted to come back to the house. It was roasting upstairs in our room, but that’s where he wanted to be. Me, not so much. 

A bit after 4 we left the house. He drove me to S-Mall where I did a little bit of shopping and then he went on to his dentist. I had planned to do more shopping in the mall but he came into the mall and found me and didn’t even phone me. Boo. We had an ice cream each at Baskin-Robbins. That was nice. 

After our treat, we went to the grocery store and picked up a bento for K’s dinner (which she didn’t eat AGAIN) and the usual F crap noodles. We drove back to the house and F started whining that he was feeling dizzy and didn’t want to go out that night. We had planned to go and see The Little Mermaid tonight. We could have gone earlier in the day if it hadn’t been for his appointment, but he wrecked that. The late show seemed like it would be okay, but whatever. I wouldn’t have minded if he had told me earlier in the day that he didn’t want to go, but to start whining around 7 pm really made me angry.

We went into the house. F gave his mother the bento which she didn’t eat and then came upstairs. I spent time on my computer before I went over to the bed for a nap. However, I didn’t sleep. I didn’t want to. I read a bit, played a game, and then asked F if he’d be able to take me out for dinner. He was sort of okay with it. 

We ended up going to Kura Sushi and had a pretty crap meal. I gave F the choice of Kura or Kappa and he chose wrong. Our favourite place was already closed when we left the house.

We paid and left, came back to the house. I watched CSI: Vegas so at least I didn’t have a completely wasted evening!

Tomorrow we may go to Costco in Yamagata if we can get up and on the road and if F and I are feeling up to it. I’m going to need him to pick up a bento or two for his mother and he should gas up the car as well. If we do go, we might be back late, so there may not be an update tomorrow night. Don’t miss me too much!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Sunday. Until tomorrow…?

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