June 20, 2023

Tuesday - Hot and sunny

Well, today was an endurance test. It was a long, long day!

I got up at my usual time but didn’t go and take a nap later! I watched the news and got dressed. We left the house just after 9 am. 

We went to the Shonai Hospital and saw a huge number of people. F had a couple of tests, he was checked and spoken to and such. I hadn’t had breakfast and it was getting towards 1pm so happily one nurse suggested that we finish up a couple of check-ins and then go for lunch before doing the last bit. We decided to do that!

We had lunch over at the Daiichi Hotel. It was my idea and F went along with it. We both had the same thing, the Hamburg lunch. I had bread with mine, and F had rice.  After our meal, we went back to the hospital.

F had one more place to go, so we were invited into a small office and the woman went over things like what F has to bring with him and wanted to know if I had any questions. It does seem that F is only allowed close family visitors and only for 15 minutes per day. Sigh. I can catch a bus down to the hospital but it doesn’t seem worth it for only 15 minutes. Oh, and I have to pre-book my visits as well. Actually, I imagine that I will be happy to go and visit him. I’ll be needing to get out of the house too.

F tried to pay for today’s hospital tests, but he lost his card at first. It took him 10 minutes to find it…in his wallet where he put it. Argh!

Oh well.

F paid and we left. We went to see our usual doctor next because we have an appointment scheduled for when F will still be in the hospital. We needed more drugs! They only give you enough to last until your next appointment here. It’s a bit difficult though when you do something stupid like drop a pill under the desk and it disappears. I actually had to beg for an extra pill a couple of months ago! We were at the doctor’s office for about an hour.

After we finished there, we picked up a bento for K’s dinner at J. Marui. We brought it back to the house and gave it to K. F and I talked about where to go for our dinner. We had a bit of discussion and then decided to try Jiro. We drove over there, but it was closed today. F had another restaurant in mind, so we went there. It’s not a place I like very much, but it was okay tonight. We went to Hana. F had fish and I had tonkatsu and we were both pleased. 

After our meal, we hit up a grocery store and I bought some more food for the next couple of nights. I hope I bought enough! 

We returned to the house and I put the shopping away and went upstairs. I spent some time on YouTube. Around 10pm I went over to the bed to have a quick nap as I was tired, but F proceeded to talk to me so I didn’t get much sleep at all! We’re looking into a meal kit delivery for K and I, I just wish F would stop dragging his feet. 

Anyway, at 11 I watched Resident Alien which is such a hoot. Just thinking about it, it sort of reminds me of Northern Exposure. It’s full of characters and they’re all colourful and intriguing. One of them is an alien, so that’s a bit different, but they have definite similarities I think. 

Tomorrow F is back to work, at least for a couple of days and I have to do things like laundry so I don’t have to do it early next week. I need to catch up a little…or maybe try and get out ahead of things.

Oh, and one sort of funny thing. When I went to the hospital with F for the first time…my sock felt funny. I thought maybe I put it on backwards…nope. My foot just couldn’t get comfortable.  Well, just before we went out for dinner tonight, I pulled my sock off and found a piece of plastic-covered wire in my sock! It was about 5 cm long! How on earth did it get there? No wonder my foot was not comfortable!

Anyway, that’s it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my next day. Until tomorrow….

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