June 19, 2023

 Monday - Warm and Sunny

I woke up this morning when F made a noise. I fell back asleep soon after. I woke up later when my alarm went off. I got up, watched the news and got dressed. I relaxed for a bit and even took a bit of a snooze. I heard an odd noise and went looking for it. It was F’s phone. He’d received a text or something. Oh, dear. He left his phone behind this morning. I knew that he’d be back for it!

I went downstairs a little after 10 and…F came back! He picked up his phone and went back to work. I grabbed my breakfast and went upstairs to eat. 

I had a fairly quiet morning. I watched the news from the morning and then got a bit tired. I took a nap for a few minutes. I don’t think I fell asleep very deeply, but I did feel quite rested afterwards.

I went downstairs to get my lunch and brought it back upstairs to eat. I watched even more news and then I put on the silly reality horoscope show I’ve been watching. It was silly! The people take it so seriously. After it finished I put on an episode of The Red Green Show.  I also recorded, but haven’t watched Downton Abbey: A New Era. I hope to watch it soon.

F called to say he was on the way back to the house. I asked him to pick up some milk because K finished what we had. I am not sure why she never thinks to mention that she did that. It’s fine, but I wasn’t planning to shop until tomorrow.

Tonight’s dinner worked out quite well. I did chicken drumsticks in the air fryer and made a couple of cold veggie dishes. We had a cucumber pickle and a zucchini salad. We also had a regular salad and I served the rest of the Bocca puddings for dessert.

I was a bit irate before I started cooking as the kitchen was quite a mess. I leave it nice and tidy on Friday and I get it back in a huge mess on Monday. Grr. 

After dinner, I did the dishes and made more mugi-cha. F said that he wanted to take a bath tonight. I told him I wanted to take a shower so would do that afterwards. I went upstairs around 9pm and spent time on my computer. I was waiting for F to come upstairs after his bath. Around 11 pm he still hadn’t come upstairs so I went down looking for him. He had decided not to take a bath after all. 

I was a bit annoyed because I had hoped to have an earlier shower, but I took one then. I let F know when I was done because he did say that he would like to take one too.

Since my shower, I’ve basically just watched some YouTube and caught up with the outside world a bit. I’ll go to bed in a little bit. 

Tomorrow, F is off work and we should be going to the hospital for a consultation with his surgeon. I checked out the website for the hospital and it sounds like I have to pre-book my visits and I’m only allowed to visit for 15 minutes!  I am actually glad that I am able to visit him at all. And, visiting time is between 1pm and 7 pm if I’ve been reading it right. That actually works fairly well for me. I’ll have to check and see if my translation app worked well enough or not. 

After that, I’m not completely sure what we’ll get up to. Wish me luck with that! Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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