June 22, 2023

Thursday - Warm and muggy, rainy at night

I got up this morning after my alarm went off. I didn’t hear F at all. I did the news thing, I sorted some laundry and then I went back to sleep. Yay me. 

When I got up a bit later, I took the laundry downstairs and washed it. I ended up doing two loads today, including the sheet that I took off the bed last week. Yay me. 

I had breakfast but I also did a lot of running around to get my laundry hung up and drying. I watched the news and tried to relax. I grabbed lunch later. I chose not to watch the second episode of The Handmaid’s Tale but did watch another episode of Cosmic Love. It was silly, but one person was quite sensible and decided not to marry her “partner” and left the show!

F didn’t call me so I decided to go downstairs before 6 pm. He called a bit later when he was on the way. Tonight I made a stir-fry and another cucumber pickle. I’m not sure why but I took a long time tonight. F came back and I had the stir-fry on the table by 7:40. It was quite good I think. As usual, it took ages to get the others to the table.

I did the dishes after the meal. I tried to be a little fast as I had asked F if he’d like to go for Kakigori tonight. He said yes!!

After I finished in the kitchen, I went upstairs, changed and then we went out. First of all, F and I went to Komeda Coffee and had our kakigori. I had their mango and jasmine tea one, and F had the Craft Cola one. His was quite spicy. I don’t think he liked it much if I’m honest. 

In front is my mango and jasmine tea kakigori,
 in the back is F's Craft Cola one.

We paid when we finished and then went to the drugstore across from the complex. F wanted to pick up a few things and, so did I!

We came back to the house after the drugstore and had a pretty chill evening. I didn’t watch any TV but have been watching YouTube for a while. 

Tomorrow F is off work. He has to have a Covid test to make sure he doesn’t have it before he goes into the hospital. I’m not sure if we’re going to get up to anything else after that. 

Anyway, that’s about it for me. Come back later if you want and hear about my Friday. Until tomorrow….

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