June 23, 2023

 Friday - Hot and muggy, rainy at night

I went to bed rather late last night, so I decided not to get up early to watch the news. I got up a bit later and then stayed up around 11.  F asked me if I’d like to go out for lunch so I said sure. He fed his mother and then we went out. He had to go to the hospital first to drop off his covid test.

He did that, and then we went to his favourite fish place, at my suggestion. We were able to get in and had the daily lunch. Today it was yakiniku and sashimi. It was good, but a bit of my pork wasn’t completely cooked. I didn’t eat that bit.

After lunch, we did a lot of shopping. F needs to take a bunch of stuff with him to the hospital and he wanted to go to an old-style Japanese store. He picked up a few things so that was good. After that, we went to another store, and then another looking for stuff. We went to a clothing store to get F some socks. The man has holes in almost all of his socks. It’s crazy! I got some socks too. Yay me.

We went to Starbucks and had Frappucinos. F had his usual Dark Mocha Chip Frappucino and I had the new Setouchi Lemon Cream Frappucino and it was very nice. It wasn’t as sweet as I thought it might be. 

We bought K a bento for dinner and a little later F and I went out for dinner. We just went to Gusto because I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go. It was okay. I had a chicken meal, F had a katsudon style meal and we shared an order of fries. 

We came back to the house and relaxed. I took a shower and then hung up F’s towels that I made him wash tonight. I wanted him to wash some of the other new stuff he’s taking to the hospital but he refuses. Men. 

It’s been a frustrating day in a lot of ways. F won’t listen to me about things I think he needs, but hey, he’s the one going to the hospital. 

At dinner tonight, F told me that his sister will take me to the hospital on Sunday. I was quite surprised. Apparently, she’s also taking F to the hospital. That makes a lot more sense. I am planning to go shopping after dropping him off at the hospital though, so I hope that she doesn’t mind if I don’t come back to the house right away.

F still hasn’t talked to the meal kit people. He’s now planning to go there tomorrow if we can. I’m rather upset. I don’t mind going shopping now and then, but carrying heavy things on the bus is not what I want to do! I hope that we can get the meal kits. They also do a frozen bento lunch which sounds perfect for K. 

Anyway, that’s about it for me. Tomorrow is F’s last day here so we have a bunch of things to get done. I really hope that F manages to keep his act together tomorrow!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….probably!


gn-in-Massachusetts said...

I hope things go well for F's operation and for you while he is in the hospital. Is he having a knee replacement? How long will he need to be in the hospital?

Helen said...

I think it is a knee replacement, although they don't call it that here! Thanks for your good wishes.

He'll probably be in the hospital for 3 weeks. They keep people in the hospital for a long time here, but it means that he'll be mostly recovered and able to go back to work when he gets out. He should be able to climb stairs too as our bedroom is upstairs.

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