June 24, 2023

Saturday - Hot and Sunny

I had a long lovely lie in this morning. I went downstairs and then came back and had a bit of snuggle time with F. We had a nice quiet morning. He made some ramen for his mother and then came upstairs. He asked me if I’d like to go to Bistrot des Pointes in Mikawa. Since it is one of my favourite restaurants, I said yes!

We drove out to Mikawa and went to the restaurant. We had a fabulous meal of steak. It came with a flatfish marinĂ©e and salad, kabocha soup, I had a bun, and then there was dessert too. We had a kind of rice pudding cake for dessert with coffee. We were actually given a second cup of coffee as they were closed and they had leftover coffee. That’s almost unheard of here!

After our lovely meal, we went over to the Across Plaza and went to the Mega Don Qihote. F did a lot of shopping there. I was rather surprised. He got some stuff for his phone and some clothing. I picked up some socks and also a few things for K’s lunches.

We came back to Tsuruoka and tried to go to the meal kit office but of course they were closed. F phoned them and left a message. I can’t believe he did that! He’ll probably be in the hospital, drugged up when they call back!

We did a little shopping at the hundred yen shop near MaxValu. I did a bit of shopping and so did F. I paid and then came back to the car. We drove back to the house and put some of our stuff away. After a bit of a rest, we went out to get K something for dinner.

We picked up a bento or two for K’s dinner and lunch tomorrow, then came back to the house and delivered it. For our dinner, I had suggested going to Kushibiki and F liked that idea. We drove out there but the restaurant was very busy so we left.

On the way into Tsuruoka, we agreed on another restaurant, but as we came close to the Grand El Sun, F suggested going there. I was all for it! 

We went in and had another really good meal. We had salad and amuse bouches, with foccacia. We both had roast pork with veggies. We had tea or coffee afterwards. It was a nice meal.

We went to Mina grocery store afterwards and I picked up a few things for the next few days. F chose to come in with me and to be honest, drove me crazy! He’d walk off with the cart, didn’t know where any of the stuff I wanted to buy was. Anyway, it was interesting!

We came back to the house and F packed his suitcase. He has to take a lot of stuff, but I think it’s okay. I am worried about some of his stuff but he’s stubborn, what can I say?

He took a shower, I watched CSI: Vegas. I like this new version of it. After the show finished, there was a preview for The Walking Dead. It’s going to start again next month. Yay!! 

Anyway, that’s about it for me. It was a good day. I’m worried about F and of course, I’m worried about what is going to happen tomorrow and into the next few weeks. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Kelly said...

Wow, I can't believe that F left going to the meal kit office to the last day... đŸ˜³ I hope everything works out for his surgery and for you and K while he is away!

Helen said...

Yes, well, he did. I don't understand it either. I'd been asking him to do something about it for weeks. Of course nothing has been set up, so it probably won't happen now.

I'm not bitter or anything!

Thanks for your good wishes.