June 27, 2023

Tuesday - Hot, humid and finally rainy

I went to bed a little late last night so it was hard to drag myself out of bed this morning, but I did it! I watched the news and got mostly dressed. I actually fell asleep accidentally while I was watching the other language news and woke up quite late. I did go back for a bit of a snooze.

I’m afraid that I didn’t go out to check my bike today. I found it hard to get motivated at all. I had forgotten that I had arranged with a friend to video chat today, so when she texted to ask for a later time I was surprised! It was fine!

When we were able to connect we had a great chat. In fact, it was so long that I had to go and get my computer cord and plug in my computer as my battery was getting low! We talked about a lot of things. She’s trying to get me to arrange a trip back home for myself…I want to do that, but am not sure when the best time is!

I went downstairs around 6 pm to start dinner. I washed my dishes and then got a start on the meal. Today I did a potato/wiener roast in my air fryer. It turned out very well. I served it with some macaroni salad and some cold beets. We both enjoyed our meal I think. K seemed to really like it and said it was delicious a couple of times. Woot.

I let her know that I was planning to go out tomorrow afternoon. I want to go to the grocery store and pick up a few things like salads. I’m also thinking of getting bentos or something for our dinner tomorrow. I can cook, but it would be nice to not have to worry about being in a hot kitchen again. We’ll see. 

I did the dishes which didn’t take too long, but I was a sweaty mess when I finished. Hot water, hot room and high humidity make it difficult to stay dry in summer. 

K came and said good night to me around the same time I finished so we Oyasumi’ed each other and then I went upstairs. Upstairs, I did something a little unusual for me. I didn’t go to my computer. I watched some Apple TV+ instead. I tried the new Tom Holland show, The Crowded Room which I enjoyed and will probably watch more. Then, I put on an episode of Ted Lasso. Yay me. It was good, if a bit sad in spots. 

At 11 I watched Resident Alien and loved it as usual. There were lots of odd things happening in tonight’s episode. I even watched the first episode of The Handmaid’s Tale tonight. They run two episodes on Tuesday Night. I watched one but didn’t want to watch anymore, or I’d never get to bed!

After dinner, I texted F as I hadn’t heard from him. He did text me back but complained about pain a bit. I was sorry to hear about it. The medical establishment in Japan tends to believe in “gamaning” or enduring things like pain. Sigh. Even if they give F painkillers, he has such a high tolerance for them that they might not work anyway. 

Well, I had better be off. Tomorrow I have to get myself on the road around noon so that I can do a little shopping. I’m debating what to shop for. I mostly need fresh food, but also a few other things would be nice. I need side dishes if I’m honest. Well, main dishes too!

Anyway, that’s it for me. Come back later if you like and find out how my Wednesday goes. Until tomorrow….


Rosa said...

Sounds like things are going well, with F and with you and your MIL. That's good! Fingers crossed it continues to go well and F can come home soon.

I don't envy you the Japanese summers. It gets hot here, but nowhere near the same humidity level that makes everything feel sticky all day! Stay cool!

Helen said...

It seems to get so hot so fast this year.

Things are going okay but the heat and humidity are so uncomfortable. I'll try and stay cool, not sure that I will be able to though!!

Thanks for visiting :-)