June 29, 2023

Thursday - Hot and Sunny, muggy

I had a pretty usual morning today. I got up, watched the news and then took a bit of a nap. Around noon though, I did something different. I went downstairs and made K an actual lunch. Now, depending on your definition of “made” I may not have made it! I heated up a boil-in-the-bag meal and added it to some rice and gave it all to K for her lunch. I woke her up, gave her some tea to drink and left her to it. She seemed to be quite happy with it though.

I went back upstairs and got ready to go out. I didn’t feel like eating, I kind of planned to go out after seeing F in the hospital and have lunch. I had breakfast so I was fine.

Just before I got ready to leave for the bus, I remembered that Canada Day is coming up…it is also the birthday of a friend of mine, so I had to hurry up and find a card for her and write it and then stamp it! I managed.  

I had to hurry to the bus stop a little too much, but I made it. The good thing is that I wasn’t waiting too long out in the hot sun. 

I had a good ride to the hospital. I was surprised that quite a few people rode the bus today and I even had someone sit beside me!

At the hospital, I was a few minutes early, so I went to the washroom, combed my hair and then went upstairs. I went to the patient lounge and a few minutes later F came in to see me. He gave me his laundry to bring to the house to wash, and I gave him some mail that he had received. We had a nice chat. He looks good. He’s in a bit of pain still, and his leg is swollen, but I think he’s doing okay. My 15 minutes was up, so I got him to come with me to the nurses' station to book for tomorrow’s visit…only to be told that I am only allowed to visit him once a week. What?!!! Neither of us knew that.  I understand in a way, Covid is still a threat, but honestly, it seems a bit draconian. I can go in and drop things off for him apparently, but we can’t see each other. Sigh. 

F had given me a shopping list of things that he’d like me to get for him, so when I went downstairs, I decided what to do. I thought I might try the drugstore near Starbucks, so I walked there. It was so hot. I had a floppy hat on and tried to use my parasol, but the sidewalks were so hot that my feet were burning from the heat. Ack.

The first drugstore didn’t have anything, so I decided to continue to the mall. I had a look around the mall, but unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything that might do for him. I went to Doutor and had a small drink, and then I caught a bus back to the house a little after 4 pm. 

I hadn’t eaten so was a bit hungry, although the heat does take away a bit of my appetite. I made myself a sandwich and that was nice. I took my usual cheese melty open face and combined it with a toasted chicken on bread and squished them together. I brought the sandwich upstairs and ate it. It was nice.

Around 6 I dragged myself downstairs and started making dinner. After a couple of minutes, I went into the living room and turned on the AC down there. K doesn’t like to use it, but it was hot and stuffy and I was hot in the kitchen. 

I got dinner on the table around 7 pm but was a sweaty mess. I did toaster oven chicken again tonight, plus a pasta side dish, salad and then some beets and a cucumber dish. There were two huge cucumbers in it today and K nearly demolished them all! It’s healthy so I don’t mind, but she does eat a lot sometimes. 

I did the dishes and got the heck out of Dodge afterwards. I came upstairs, turned on the AC and basically vegged on the bed for an hour or so. I dragged myself up finally and watched a little bit of stuff off the Fire Stick. I was a tad late for The Rookie, but since it was recording it was okay. 

I turned off the TV at midnight and started blogging. It’s been a long day. Tomorrow I hope to take the daytime a bit easier than today. I’ve got plans to go out with a friend tomorrow night, I’m looking forward to it if she’s still available. I’ll have to make dinner for K early. I’ll have to start early I think. 

Anyway, that’s it for me for tonight. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….



Kelly said...

Wow that's a bit mean only being able to see F once per week! It makes it hard for the patients not to have any visitors either.

Helen said...

I agree on both counts! I understand it, they are worried that covid will rear up again, but it is quite hard on us. Meanwhile, I can drop things off Monday to Friday, but can only "see" him once a week.