June 3, 2023

Saturday - Rainy, cloudy and cool

Today was quite the day. 

We got up around 9 am this morning and headed out a little later. We went to an eye doctor. A few weeks ago, when I was having an eye test at a glasses shop, the technician thought she saw something that could be suspicious. It’s taken a while before I could get F to take me to get it checked out. We waited a bit at the clinic, but I was tested and looked at and things are okay. Whew! I’m actually rather glad that the technician said something because if there had been a problem, I would have wanted to get on it right away. I got a prescription for new glasses and we paid and left.

Next up, F and I went to a grocery store to buy his mother a bento for her lunch. We delivered it to her.  I suggested a few places that I’d like to eat, but F being F, didn’t like any of them. I finally suggested Arpeggio. It’s a Japanese place, but I like it a lot, I just didn’t want to go there today! Of course, F liked that idea. We went and had a pretty good meal. I had one of my favourite things, the Soboru-don. Yum. 

After lunch, we went back to the house for a while “to rest”. I went upstairs to our room and used my computer then went and took a nap on the bed. F was downstairs, not sure what he was doing. He finally came upstairs just a few minutes before my alarm was going to go off. 

We left again, F dropped me off at S-Mall and went off to his dentist again. He said he just made it on time. I think he might have been a tad late.

In S-Mall, I did a tiny bit of shopping. I went through the hundred yen shop and got a few things. F phoned to say he was done while I was shopping so said we’d meet at Doutors. Next thing I knew he was outside Daiso waiting for me! We went down to Doutor and had a drink each. That was rather nice. Basically, today F just had a check-up, so he’s okay.

F wanted to leave after a while, so we drove over to the glasses shop and I took a while to look for new frames. I also found out that I could have had my old glasses repaired! The nose piece came off, leaving a piece of wire there. Well, dear F had told me they couldn’t be fixed, but actually, they could have been. Unfortunately, in the last few months, my glasses have become quite scratched, so there’s no point in fixing them now. 

After we ordered my new specs and paid a deposit, we left. We decided to get a bento for K, so F pulled into the bento shop. I walked down the street and went to Gyomu Supa. I got a few things and before I knew it, F was there and he paid for everything I bought. Woot!

We brought the bento and the groceries back to the house. F got his mother up and fed her, I thought about where to go for dinner. I gave F a few ideas and he didn’t really like any of them. One of them was a restaurant on the other side of the big park. We’ve been a few times and it is okay. We finally decided to go there. We seemed to be the only customers at the time. We ordered our meal. F  had mapo-dofu ramen and I had kara-age and fried rice. F and I shared the fried rice and I gave him a bit of the fried chicken. He gave me some of the spicy tofu from the top of his ramen!  We actually really enjoyed our meal, so that was good.

We came back to the house and had a quiet evening. F did this thing all night where he’d ignore me for hours, and then while I was really interested in something, be it YouTube or the TV, he’d gab to me! ACK! 

Tonight I watched another episode of Yellowstone and then an episode of CSI: Vegas from actual TV! I enjoyed them both. 

So that’s about it for today. Tomorrow F will have a massage in the afternoon and we’re planning to go and see a movie after that. Hopefully!

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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