June 4, 2023

Sunday - Sunny and warm

We slept in rather late this morning. F did get up at one point and made some food for his mother, but he came back to bed as well. 

I got up around noon, and then around 1pm I asked F to start moving! He had a massage appointment after 3 pm and we hadn’t had lunch yet. That wasn’t good! Finally we left the house and went to Kissa Marina for brunch. F had curry and I had my usual curry pasta. I wasn’t going to originally, but then when F said he’d have curry I decided to do that too!

After lunch, F dropped me off at S-Mall and then he went off to his appointment. I went through the mall, I did a lot of walking and not that much shopping. I really should have stopped for a drink, but I didn’t. I was getting really bored so when I thought F would be on his way back to the mall, I went outside to wait for him. I had gone to the grocery store and bought a bento for K’s dinner. 

We drove back to the house to drop off K’s bento. She was nowhere to be seen so she was likely in bed sleeping. We did a bit of a drop and run. 

We drove over to the cinema. I wanted to get something to drink, so we drove to the nearby drugstore and I went in and grabbed drinks.  Then, we drove around the corner and after a hiccup, went to the cinema. 

Tonight we went to see The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent with Nicolas Cage. It was a hoot. I laughed all the way through it. I’m sad to say there were only about 4 people in the cinema, and 2 of those were F and I! He liked the movie a lot too.

After the movie, I suggested going to Gusto then we could get groceries right afterwards if we went to the MaxValu area. F asked that we go to a drugstore too, well, there’s one close to there too. F didn’t really want to go to Gusto, but he did see the sense of it, so that’s where we went. 

We had dinner. It was okay, not great. F’s dish used vinegar, so I could put some on the fries I ordered. Woot. I had a burger with fried chicken too. 

We went to the drugstore next to get F some eyedrops. I bought a few things for the kitchen as well. F was going to put in his eyedrops but I suggested waiting until we were outside the grocery store. I pointed out that F may need a couple of minutes for his eyes to get back to normal, so he should wait. I’d be in the store for a while so he could recover. F agreed.

I went into the store and bought a few things for tomorrow’s dinner, and lunches. So that was fun! Not really.

We came back to the house and as I wanted to record a movie from the TV, I did that and watched something off the Fire Stick. I watched a couple of shows, three actually. I watched another episode of Fringe, then from Apple TV+ I watched The Big Door Prize and then Schmigadoon!. I enjoyed all of it tonight. 

F went to bed a while ago and I’m late, so I need to go very soon. I’m tired as it was quite a day. Come back later if you like and hear all about my Monday. Until tomorrow….

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