June 6, 2023

Tuesday - Hot and sunny

Today did not start well. I was annoyed with F last night and it carried over until today. When I went to bed, I was trying to sleep and F asked me if I’d go with him to the hospital. I told him I’d like to wait until the morning. I didn’t want to go at 3 am!

In the morning I woke up because of F’s alarm, or it could have been because of my alarm. Anyway, I overslept and missed the news I usually watch. Damn. 

I got up a bit late and got dressed to go out. F talked about going out for breakfast, but then he went downstairs and made breakfast for him and his mother. He really wanted to go out. I grabbed my breakfast, I had my usual yogurt and cereal. When I had it upstairs, F asked me again if I’d like to go out. Well, no. 

He had said that he’d like to leave at 11 am, so I went downstairs and checked to see if the garbage had been taken away from the gomi station yet. It hadn’t been. F hadn’t taken the gomi out this morning as he slept in. I sneaked it over to the station. F came downstairs finally and we went outside. I had a armful of stuff that I was carrying  and I had to lock the door, so I was a bit upset. I mumbled some stuff, locked the door, and then went to get in the car. All of a sudden F told me that he couldn’t stand being with me and that I shouldn’t go. I got in and he refused to move the car so I got out, grabbed my hat out of the back and then went back in the house. F drove off and I didn’t see him for hours. I was quite upset with him.

I went back upstairs, took off my nice clothes and put on my usual house stuff and then went back to bed. I was quite upset and also tired, since I didn’t sleep that well last night.

Around 1 pm, F came back. He seemed to be tired and he told me a little about his appointment. They have scheduled his surgery and it is this month. Holy cow Batman! I didn’t think it would be this soon. 

Since he didn’t talk about lunch, I decided that I needed to eat. I told him I was going downstairs to get my lunch. I brought it back upstairs and then he suggested going out for lunch? I told him that I didn’t need to do that. I ate my lunch and it was nice. Boring, but nice. 

He snoozed for a while, I tried to relax and then around 6:30 suggested going out to go shopping. We need groceries. F grudgingly agreed. 

As we were going out, I asked him to check and see if his mother needed more food, but she said no. We went out and had dinner first. We went to Cocos because I really needed to have a lot of drinks from their drink bar! F and I gradually got a lot friendlier over the evening. I brought us both a lot of drinks so that was good.

After dinner, I asked to go to the nearby grocery store in Pal. It was okay with F, so we went there. I went in and did the shopping. I got enough stuff for the next couple of days. I don’t know how I’m going to manage with F away for 3 weeks! I have some ideas that I have to get F to help me with…not sure if he will though. 

We came back to the house and I put the groceries away. I gave F his stuff for the next couple of mornings and took K’s upstairs. I relaxed for a bit, watched an episode of Fringe and did a bit of crochet. I’m working on a hexagon blanket at the moment so I had to do a bit of work on it tonight. It went quite well. 

F went off to sleep a while ago. It was so hot up here that we used the air conditioner today. I wasn’t the one that turned it on, surprisingly. It was F!

So that’s about it for today. The first half of the day was not good, the second was better but still not great. The next couple of weeks are going to be busy. F will be getting his new car before he goes into the hospital, and we have to prepare us for him going away. He forgot to ask about pyjamas and such too. I know he can rent them, but would he rather have his own? I’m not sure.

F is back to work tomorrow and I’m debating going out. There’s a movie that I’d like to see and if I move my butt early in the AM, I should be able to go and see it. I’m not sure if I can though!

So, that’s it for me for today. Come back later if you want and hear all about my Wednesday. Until tomorrow….


Rosa said...

This sounds like such a stressful time for you and F with medical stuff happening. Hang in there! Sending good wishes to both of you!

Helen said...

It really is a stressful time, thanks for reminding me! I suppose he might be a bit worried too about what is going to happen. All I can think about is me and his mother alone for 3 weeks. Sigh.

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