June 5, 2023

Monday - Sunny and warm

F woke me up this morning because he couldn’t find his glasses. That was fun. I got up, and stayed up for a while. I watched the news and watched my usual BBC news. 

Then, I went back to sleep. Unfortunately, F woke me up again when he came back to the house around 9 am to waste some time. He brought me some ice cream, which of course I didn’t want at that time of the morning. He left after a while.

I got up, went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast. I brought it back upstairs to eat. I had a quiet morning. I felt a bit out of sorts, tired and draggy and a bit under the weather. I took a bit of a nap. It didn’t help that much.

I grabbed my lunch and brought it back upstairs. I ate and also watched a silly reality show off the Fire Stick. It was meh.

F called to say he was coming back around 5:30.  I finally went down to start dinner. K was bopping around cleaning, so I tried to stay out of her way. I washed my dishes, cleaned the stove and such. 

I got started on dinner. I thought it was a good one tonight. I did a hot mushroom marinate, frozen veggies heated up, fried garlic pork and a shrimp pilaf. I thought dinner was pretty nice. We had salad too, of course. I called F down, K did her usual sitting and not eating until F came downstairs. I just started. I was still feeling not great.

F sat down and then started saying that he didn’t want pilaf, he wanted to have plain rice. I told him that I bought the pilaf specially and I liked pilaf and didn’t like plain rice. Then he started in on me about how I should like it. Whatever dude. I’ve eaten enough plain rice in my life, I think I know if I like it or not. He went off and made himself some white rice and brought it to the table. I had told him I would never buy pilaf again. I can’t see myself doing that. I just won’t eat rice again. His mother was very happy to eat the pilaf, I have no idea what the heck his problem was.

I got to do the dishes and the cleanup as usual. I spent a bit of extra time in the kitchen because I didn’t want to go near my husband. When I finally did go upstairs he seemed surprised that I didn’t want to talk to him. He went downstairs and disappeared for hours. 

Around 11pm I went downstairs and took a shower. While I was brushing my teeth, K came in the room. I guess she didn’t notice the lights on in the room? Grr. 

I came back upstairs afterwards and F didn’t. He didn’t come upstairs until well after 1am. I’m not sure what is going on in his head. He’s off work tomorrow to go to see his surgeon again, and I was sort of supposed to go with him, but I don’t plan to do that unless something changes between now and then. 

Anyway, so that was my day. I’m hoping that I’ll feel a little better tomorrow, and I hope that F will stop being a twit. I don’t need this crap. I still don’t know if I’ll be able to go back to Canada this year because of his surgery so I’m rather upset and put out too. 

Come back later if you like and hear if I’m whining again. Until tomorrow….

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