June 7, 2023

Wednesday - Hot and Sunny

I think F woke me up this morning, but I definitely fell back asleep afterwards. I woke up a bit later when my alarm went off. I went downstairs, then came back upstairs and watched the BBC news. I took a nap afterwards and got up a bit late to be honest. Good job I had decided not to go out after all today.

I grabbed breakfast, watched some YouTube, watched some news and then around 1pm F showed up with ice cream! I was just going to get my lunch, but I stayed and chatted with him. He was in a much better mood than he was on Tuesday.

I grabbed my lunch and F had to go back to work. I ate and watched more news. After a while, I turned off the TV and watched some YouTube again. 

F called a bit after 5 and said he was on his way back. I eventually went downstairs and got started on dinner. When F came back, I asked him if he would eat dinner with us. He said no, his stomach wasn’t happy. I was sad, but at least he told me early on.

I got on with dinner. I did roasted new potatoes with rosemary and parmesan, baked chicken, some microwaved veggies, leftover mushrooms from Monday and salad from the store. I set the table and tried to get K to eat! It took her a while. I snapped a picture of my plate and sent it to F upstairs. 2 minutes later I had a message that he was coming downstairs to have dinner after all! 

I grabbed him a plate and he ate with us after all. The potatoes were gorgeous. I can see me making those again! The chicken was good and so was everything else. F had a beer with his dinner, no big deal.

After I finished, I cleared the table, did the dishes and put them away. I listened to a couple of my podcasts while I did that.  

When I finally got the dishes done, I did up the garbage in the kitchen and bathroom. I put it in the genkan for F to take out later. I went upstairs and did up my garbage in the room. I left the bag for F to put stuff in and then relaxed for a bit.

I took a shower around 10 and then came back upstairs and watched the first episode of Grey’s Anatomy…what is this, season 19 now? It was okay. It seemed really low key honestly. 

And that was my day really. It turned out fairly well. It was definitely better than yesterday!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Thursday. Until tomorrow….

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