June 8, 2023

Thursday - Hot and sunny, muggy

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I considered going out to the movie again and decided not to do it. I watched the news and then snoozed a bit more. I did wake up and had a discussion with myself about going out. I decided not to do it. I’m sure the film will be on one of my streaming services soonish.

I finally got up and when I did I took my towelket downstairs to wash. The house was quiet downstairs. I put the towelket in the washing machine and then grabbed my breakfast. I went back upstairs to eat. 

When I went back to get the towel/blanket out of the washing machine, K came back in the house. She was out with F’s sister. I’m glad. F never takes her out anymore as he doesn’t like shouting at her in public. It’s the only way he can get her to do what he wants.

I hung my towelket up in our room and then got on with my day. I had a quiet day really because I was feeling really tired. It was hot up here in our room and it was just hard to exist. 

I had lunch and then came back to watch the news and eat. When I finished the news I put on a silly reality show and half watched it while I surfed the net.

F called before 6 to say that he was on his way so I went downstairs and got a start on dinner. Tonight I did a stir-fry, just my usual one. When F arrived, he said that he didn’t think he could eat tonight, so I sadly said okay. I got on with the food.

I brought the food out to the table and tried to get K to eat. Finally she moved to do her pre-meal stuff. F happened to be downstairs and he saw the food, and decided that he could eat after all! I was glad, but surprised too. I got him a plate and then we all ate.

I did the dishes afterwards, listening to my podcasts and then when I was finished, went upstairs. I took a bit of a rest before getting ready to go out.

F and I drove to the Mina Shopping Area and I went into the shop and did the shopping. I didn’t have to do too much tonight, but I picked up a few things that I needed. F and I came back to the house.

Later on, F took a bath and I watched the first episode of The Rookie’s newest season. It was good, but sad. One of the characters got killed off. I had no idea so did some research. 

And that is about it for the day. I had an okay day, but it was tiring. I’ve been making lists of things that F may need to take into the hospital with him. He told me tonight that I may not be able to visit him. Oh goodness. I don’t know if I like that. I understand why, just thought we were past that, but I guess not! He’ll have to check. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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