July 11, 2023

Tuesday - Cloudy, muggy and rainy

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I got up, watched the news in English and then went downstairs. K wasn’t up yet. That was a little odd.

I came back upstairs and went back to sleep for a while. I had a horrible time getting myself out of bed when my alarms went off. I finally dragged myself out and went downstairs and prepared my breakfast. K wasn’t up yet, which surprised me. I had to make her lunch today since we ate all the leftovers last night!

I did a microwave in the bag curry and put it on some rice for her. I put it on the table and tried to wake her up. She really didn’t want to get up. She saw me, I told her lunch was ready, and she rolled over!  I turned on the light in the living room and left the dish on the table. Then I went upstairs with my brunch and ate that.

A little later, I was worried that she might have not got up, so I went out of my room and I heard noises downstairs, so I knew that she was up. Yay. Poor thing. I don’t like getting up these days either. 

It was so humid this morning that I really had to turn on the AC. I was sweating while I was in bed. It was horrible.

Around 1:30, I went downstairs, said goodbye to K who was still up, and left the house. I got to the bus stop a little early after all. I was waiting for the bus and all of a sudden the rain came. I was about to open up my parasol when the bus came around the corner. Whew! Just in time.

I got to the hospital around 2 pm. I wasn’t supposed to go upstairs until my time (2:30) so I grabbed a drink and sat at a table in the tiny vending machine area. I read a book for a while and then around 2:25, I headed towards the elevators. While I was waiting, an elevator came down to the first floor and who should walk out but F. We were both surprised to see each other!

He had wanted to go to the conbini, but I told him that our appointment was about to start so we needed to go upstairs. After checking in, we went to the lounge and had a nice little meet-up and chat. They have just changed the rules and I’m now allowed to visit twice a week so F asked me to come on Friday. He’s leaving on Saturday so I’m not sure what the point is, but that’s okay!

We booked me in for Friday, and F came down to the lobby with me. We paid a bill at the convenience store and then I tried to leave. He didn’t want to leave me. It was really sad. I didn’t want to leave him either, but I knew there was a bus coming soon and I wanted to catch it!

It wasn’t for a few minutes, but I did catch the bus. I went to S-Mall and spent a little time there. I hit up the grocery store again for a few things that I didn’t get yesterday and then went to Baskin Robbins and had ice cream. It was yummy! I had my perennial favourite Jamoca Almond Fudge and a new flavour, Raspberry Fromage. It was very nice and was a good balance to the Jamoca. Yum. All too soon, it was time to go to the bus station.

I grabbed a sports drink and waited for my bus. I was the only person on the bus again. Someone almost got on a couple of stops from mine, but he didn’t!

The rain started a little before the bus arrived at my stop, so I got off the bus and opened up my parasol. It isn’t the biggest umbrella, but it kept the worst of the rain off. 

I got to the house, put the food away and then went upstairs. I revelled in the air conditioning upstairs again. It was so damp and hot today, it was horrible really. 

I went downstairs a little late, just after 6 pm and got a start on dinner. I made a pork stir fry again but it turned out nicely. I made some cucumber pickle for K and we had that with some chichimi (pajeon in Korean) and some salad. 

Dinner was great. I used my phone to help tell K that F would be coming back on Saturday. She seemed to understand. I also told her that I was going to go to Mikawa tomorrow. She seemed to understand that too. 

I did the dishes tonight. It took a bit of time, but it wasn’t too bad. I was soaking wet from the humidity afterwards. Argh. K had gone to bed, so I went upstairs. I turned on the air conditioner and stripped! I hung up my clothes and put on some dry things. I watched a couple of episodes of Miranda. I’m on the third season now. I’m just loving it. She’s so damn funny. 

I had debated taking a shower tonight. I probably should have, but I didn’t. I ran out of time, so went over to the TV and watched tonight’s episode of Resident Alien. The Handmaid’s Tale came on afterwards, but I didn’t watch the two episodes. I decided to leave them for another day. I’m trying to get to bed early. I’m not managing!

Well, I’m going to say goodnight now. I have to catch an early for me bus tomorrow, so I have to be out of the house a little after 9 am.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my trip to the mall. Until tomorrow….

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