July 12, 2023

Wednesday - Rainy and cloudy, with some clear times

Today was a good day really. 

I got up this morning before 8 am, I watched the BBC news segment and then started to get dressed to go out. I packed my backpack and was a bit worried when I heard the rain start. Oh, dear. 

I left a little too early to go to the bus stop, but I didn’t want to wait inside any longer. I should have waited. I did have an umbrella with me, but it wasn’t a really big one. It kept the worst of the rain off my head, but my arms got soaked and so did my backpack! Oh, dear. My shoes and socks were damp too. 

The bus wasn’t too late, but I was soaked. I got on the bus and when we got to S-Mall, I went into the washroom and used the hand dryer to dry the sleeves on my shirt. It was that bad! If you’ve ever seen Desperately Seeking Susan, it was like Madonna without the visible armpit hair!

I got on the bus to Mikawa and at first, I sat under a vent and it was really cold. I moved seats at a stop and got out of the draft. Whew.  By the time I got to Mikawa Mall, my clothes were mostly dry. My backpack was still wet though.

I did a few things at the mall first. I went to the Post Office and deposited some coins, I went to the cinema and bought my ticket. Then, I went to the food court and bought lunch for myself. I had a bibinba. It wasn’t great, I was a little disappointed by it. 

When I finished lunch, I still had 30 minutes before the movie, so I toddled off to Aeon again and bought a couple of pairs of socks for myself. Then, I went into the washroom and changed my socks. My socks from the house were still quite damp, as were my shoes. 

I walked back to the cinema and went in when the theatre opened. Today I went to see Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. A friend of mine very nicely offered to drive me back to Tsuruoka after she saw my complaint that I might miss the bus if I went to see the movie. 

I enjoyed the movie a lot. I’m often quite critical of films, but today it was just my day out to have fun. I laughed, I winced, and I laughed some more. I really had fun at the movie. It isn’t the best of the Indy films, but I liked it.

After the movie, I went back to Aeon and looked at clothes. I was trying to find something new for myself. Honestly, though, the only thing I found that I liked for me wasn’t on sale. I could’ve got it, but then I’d have to iron it and I really didn’t want to commit to that!

Next up, I went to the grocery store and bought a few things for K’s breakfasts and dinner tonight. I got a couple of salads as well. I checked out using the self-check and then I went to the other food court and had an iced flat white coffee. It was nice.

I got a text from my friend that said she was on her way, so I visited the washroom and then met up with her along the mall. We hugged and then went out to her car.  I asked her to drop me off at F’s house first and I’d give K her dinner. She very nicely did. 

I ran in and put the groceries away. I heated up K’s bento and gave it to her. She seemed quite happy.  I ran back out to my friend’s car. We talked about where to go for dinner, and I suggested Kissa Marina.  We went there and had a very nice dinner. I had my usual curry pasta and my friend had carbonara. We both enjoyed our meals and had some great conversations.

After a while, we left the restaurant and then went to a conbini and bought ice cream! We sat in the car as it had started raining again and ate and continued chatting.  Soon enough, she had to be on her way, so she dropped me off at the house again and she went off on her way.

The lights in the house were on when I arrived. I was surprised that K was up. I came into the house and noticed that she was in her old bedroom and…she was half naked! I’m not sure what she was doing, maybe getting a new pyjama top or something, but it was rather funny. She didn’t hear me come in, so she was surprised when she saw me.  I didn’t look! I said goodnight and went on my way.

I changed my clothes and then went downstairs and did up the garbage. I even took it out to the gomi station for a little thrill too!

I came upstairs and relaxed for a while. I watched a couple of episodes of Miranda…she’s got a boyfriend now. Ooh! Then, I went downstairs to take a shower. I really wish I’d taken one last night if I’m honest. 

I came back upstairs and watched Grey’s Anatomy. It was okay. The show has really changed over the years. I think Meredith is going to leave soon so the leaving episode should be good. 

And that’s about it. I’ve been kicking back with some YouTube and blogging away. I’m hoping to have a quiet day tomorrow. I’ve had three days in a row of catching buses and going places so it would be very nice to just take it easy and relax for a bit. I should do some laundry though because I’m off to see F again on Friday. 

Come back later if you like and hear about my day. Until tomorrow….

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