July 10, 2023

Monday - Hot and muggy, bit cloudy

I left the house this morning around 10:20. It wasn’t quite a miracle that I made it, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to rouse myself and get out the door. I did. I even said goodbye to K this morning as she was up and doing something in the living room. She was cleaning the things on the butsudan I think. She didn’t look too happy, so I wasn’t sure if she was angry at me or what. I decided not to worry about it.

I caught my bus in good time. I got out there so fast I had to wait for about 5 minutes. I took out my parasol and used that along with my big floppy hat. I got off the bus at the stop nearest Machi-ne Kinema and walked over to the cinema. I bought some water and then my ticket. Today I went to see Triangle of Sadness and it was…odd. The middle part was a bit of a gross-out extravaganza, but the beginning and the end were fine. I’m not sure if I liked it or not or even if I’ll be thinking about it in a couple of days.

After the movie, I checked the bus schedule. It told me that there would be a bus at the stop I had got off at in a little bit, but I wasn’t sure if I could make it. I walked in the direction of the bus stop and I saw a bus coming down the road. I crossed the street and waited at the bus stop.  A couple of minutes later I boarded the bus (this was a proper bus, not the community bus van) and a few minutes later I was in S-Mall. Yay.

I had a late lunch and then I hit the hundred yen shop for a few things. After that, I went to the grocery store and picked up a bit of food for dinner for the next couple of days. I got a few breakfast things for K as well. I’m not sure if she’ll like them that much, but I hope so!

I had about half an hour before the first bus back to the house, so I grabbed an iced rooibos at Doutor before catching the bus. For the entire ride to my stop, I was the only passenger on the bus. Oh, dear. I hope they don’t cancel even more buses.

Back at the house, I greeted K and then put away the groceries. I went upstairs and relaxed for a while. 

I came downstairs before 6 pm and got a start on dinner. I decided to do a bit of cleaning out the fridge today! I heated up some rice for us both and then heated up some of the recent leftovers, cut them up and put them on the rice. We had some chicken, some sausages, some omelette, a nice salad, some kabocha salad and some edamame tofu. Everything was good and the food disappeared, which is what I wanted!

I did the dishes after dinner and F phoned me and we chatted for a few minutes. Although he is still in a lot of pain, the doctor is talking about discharging him from the hospital this weekend. Yay! I am both glad and a bit worried as F won’t be able to go back to work for a couple of months. That means he’ll be at the house and underfoot for a while. Sigh. Not sure I like that either!  Still, he will go for physiotherapy and hopefully be out of the house sometimes!

Before I went upstairs today I offered K a freezie-juice thing and she suggested I sit in the living room with her to eat them. I did that, so it was quite nice and friendly for a few minutes.

I wished her a good night and went upstairs to relax for a while. I watched some YouTube and put on a couple of episodes of Miranda. Oh…some of it was upsetting. Poor Miranda. 

I took a shower just after 10 pm and then came upstairs again and watched another episode of Miranda. It was hilarious. She was visiting a therapist with her mother. I have a few more episodes to watch and I’d like to get them watched before F comes back. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to watch them all though. 

Anyway, that’s about it for today. Tomorrow I’m off to the hospital and then I might grab a little bit of something for groceries. We’ll see how it goes. F also told me that I can visit him twice a week now, but I’m not sure if I’ll be doing that if he does get out on Saturday! We’ll see!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my visit to the hospital and maybe my trip downtown afterwards. Until tomorrow…. 

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