July 13, 2023

Thursday - Hot and sunny

I tried to get to bed at my usual time this morning, but I think I was a bit late. I did set my alarm before I went to sleep, yet it didn’t ring this morning. Or, I turned it off? I woke up a little early, at 7:30, but the next time I woke up it was after 9 am. I didn’t mind too much if I’m honest. I had three days of being busy, so I needed a little break.

I got up, got dressed and then went back for a little more sleep. I got up a bit later and even though I planned to go back to bed, I didn’t. I did do some laundry though. I washed a couple of loads of my own stuff and hung them up here. I ate breakfast sometime in this time slot too. 

I noticed that K hadn’t really touched the food in the fridge, so I decided to give her the extra bento I bought last night. I heated it up for her and gave it to her. She seemed quite pleased. I had left it in the fridge overnight so I think it was okay.

I grabbed my lunch too. I had a bagel and some of the leftovers in the fridge. They were pretty good!

I spent time in my room in the afternoon. I did use the air conditioner a bit, but it was very hot and very humid. The afternoon seemed to pass quite quickly, so I went downstairs to start dinner around 6 pm. Tonight I did toaster oven chicken and a veggie roast in my air fryer. We had that with salad and some kabocha salad. K and I ate most of it! I also made some agua fresca tonight. Well, my version of it. I had a very small cucumber left over from my last grocery shop so I washed it well, sliced it up and then put the slices in a jug of cold water. I put it in the fridge for all my prep time to cool and absorb the flavour of the cucumber. I wasn’t sure if K would like it, but she seemed to! We both had a few glasses of the water with dinner tonight. 

After dinner, I did the dishes. It wasn’t too bad as I had done a few before dinner and I didn’t have any pans to clean. My air fryer is quite easy to clean and didn’t take long tonight. I texted F while I was doing the dishes. He’s not at 100% yet so I’m not quite sure why they are letting him out of the hospital. I want him out, but I want him to be okay when he’s out. 

I came upstairs and watched a YouTube video on the making of Pride And Prejudice, yes, the one with Colin Firth. The problem was that Colin Firth wasn’t in it, and neither was Jennifer Ehle, but a lot of the other cast members had things to say, it was rather fun! I followed that up with an episode of Miranda. It was quite funny as usual. I’m not sure that I’m enjoying this third season as much as the first two. I’m hoping that the last few episodes pick up a bit. It’s still funnier than most of the shows I watch anyway.

I watched The Rookie at 11 and then when it was over, fired up more YouTube. At the moment I’m watching an American couple taking the train across Canada. It’s making me both proud and weepy! I’m still hoping to get back this year, but it isn’t looking that likely.

Well, that’s it for me. Tomorrow I’m off in the afternoon to visit F and maybe pick up something for dinner. I’d like to get something to pad out our dinner a little bit. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Friday. Until tomorrow….

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