July 30, 2023

 Sunday - Hot and Sunny (Again) (Darn it.)

I slept in this morning except I woke up earlier than I wanted. It was so hot in our room that I was sweating. The “cool pad” that I had on my pillow was soaking and so was the pillow underneath. Argh. I got up somewhere around 11 am and turned on the AC. F was lying in bed beside me but didn’t seem affected by the heat. I’m not sure how he does it.

F made breakfast/brunch for his mother and then we went out. Our first choice, Jiro, was closed already when we got there, so we ended up at Misono and had lunch there. F had their version of ramen and I had their chicken cutlet but not a set meal. Mine was good, big, but good. I was so glad that I didn’t have the full set meal. 

After lunch, we went over to the Pal shopping area and I went to Daiso first. I got a new, longer string for my glasses and a couple of other things. F couldn’t find a parking space before I went into the store, so I didn’t know where he was parked. I got outside and didn’t see him, so I phoned him. He said he was in the shoe store. I thought that was a bit odd, but okay. I went over to the shoe store and went in. Of course, F wasn’t in the store, he was parked outside it. I’ve no idea why. He said he told me outside the store…maybe he did. I was trying to find him and stay out of the sun. I was really angry with him, so I dumped my stuff, gave him the diet Coke that I had bought him and walked to the grocery store. I was upset. It’s so hot outside and the sun is so strong and I didn’t have my hat on. 

I bought groceries, I got stuff for K’s and F’s breakfast for tomorrow and Tuesday, and something for Monday’s dinner. I’m going to try and cook again. I’m sure I’ll regret it!

We came back to the house and I put away the groceries, F beetled off upstairs. At least he turned on the AC for me!

I spent time at my computer and after a while went over to the bed. Around 6 pm I wanted F to start thinking about dinner and then around 7 we decided to go to Cocos. F asked his mother if she’d like to come and she would. So, we all bundled into the car and drove over to Cocos. We had a pretty good meal, sort of. The dish I wanted wasn’t available today and so I had to have a burger that didn’t come with very much. F and K had a Japanese set meal, and they seemed to like it, but F complained about one part of it! I kept the others plied with drinks. K was amused by the robot delivery system, so I was a bit sad for her that the waiters delivered our meals personally!

I paid at the end and left. K did a fairly fast walk to the car after F and then spent the next 5 minutes in the car wheezing. I was a bit worried about her if I’m honest. It could have been the changes in temperature. I should probably have suggested that F get the car and she waits inside, but then again, why couldn’t HE think of that. Maybe next time.

We came back to the house and relaxed. I watched Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris at 9 pm and loved it. I had tried to get F to watch it with me, but he didn’t. I grew up reading Mrs ‘Arris Goes to Paris in the Readers Digest Condensed Novels so I have loved the character for a long time.  The movie was really sweet and Mrs Harris as played by Lesley Manville was wonderful. And of course, “Hello to Jason Isaacs!” He’s really become a great character actor lately.

After the movie was over, I turned off the TV and got started on my evening stuff. And now, here you are. I’m not sure what’s going to go down tomorrow if I’m honest. K has an appointment in the morning, I know that F needs to go to City Hall sometime but I don’t know if it’ll be tomorrow. 

Anyway, that’s it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my Monday. Until tomorrow….

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