July 29, 2023

Saturday - Hot and sunny

I didn’t set my alarm for an early wake-up time this morning. Hurray. I woke up around 9:30 and dragged myself out of bed a bit later. I got dressed and a little bit after 11 am, F and I went off to our doctor’s office. 

We had an okay time at the doctor’s office. It was a lot of sitting around for 2-3 minutes of time in front of the doctor. We went to the drug dispensary after our appointment and then were ready to have lunch. 

I suggested to F that we go to Kissa Marina because I really like that place. F was okay with that and off we went. It wasn’t busy, so we were able to get a table and have lunch. I had carbonara this time. It was good, but I preferred my usual dish. F had a roast beef donburi. He wasn’t too pleased, unfortunately. He said the roast beef was tough. The soup that we got today was very salty. That wasn’t the strangest thing though, our waitress was wearing a t-shirt that said," Koenji F***ing City” in a fake Asian-style script. I was a little surprised but I may have been the only person who noticed it!

After our lunch, F basically just wanted to go back to the house. I was a bit tired and didn’t mind too much. I had plans for myself. 

So, I booked my trip to Canada in September. It wasn’t too easy. I had to try 3 different credit cards to get it done, one of mine and two of F’s. I also booked a hotel for myself for the night I come back to Japan in Haneda Airport. I still need to get travel insurance, but I’ve asked F to help me with that. 

It took a while to book everything and let the people in Canada know about it, so it was fairly late when I finished and could relax a bit. I never did get to take a nap like I thought I would!

Around 6:00 I talked to F about dinner. Although I wasn’t too hungry, I worried that K might be. We talked and decided to go to Gusto with her. Around 6:30 or so we bundled into the car and went over to Gusto. We had a pretty good meal. We were able to get into the restaurant right away. K and F both had cold udon and I had curry with a cutlet. We shared a plate of fries and I kept us all supplied with drinks. We had a nice meal really.

We came back to the house and I watered the plants outside and then went upstairs. F had turned on the AC again, so it was nice in our room. I watched a bit of YouTube and then watched the second episode of The Walking Dead from Tuesday.  A little after that, I watched CSI: Las Vegas. It was quite a good one about influencers.

I had thought about watching a late-night movie but decided not to do that. I got into my blogging and usual evening stuff and now you are up to date!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Kelly said...

A trip is exciting! What's with the credit card thing, we had trouble booking the shinkansen in Japan because it wouldn't accept an overseas credit card. It sure is nerve wracking at times. I hope you'll have an awesome time 😊

Had to laugh at the waitresses shirt though!

Helen said...

Credit card companies are getting stricter as there are more people trying to cheat the system I think. It is annoying though when you travel and have to worry about whether your card will work or not. I have to ask F to check and see if my card will work in Canada or not. I hope so!

Wasn't the shirt odd? I guess no one else could read it or maybe she just didn't care?

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