July 5, 2023

Wednesday - Hot and sunny, then muggy and rainy

I had a hard time getting myself up and out of bed this morning. I managed, just, but when I came back upstairs, I watched the news. I fell asleep on it after the English news was over. I woke up at 9:30. I took a proper nap after that, but again had a hard time getting up later. I was planning to catch the 11:40 bus, so I really couldn’t dawdle. I got up in a hurry, dressed myself and almost ran out the door to catch the bus. I didn’t have to wait long at the bus stop, which was nice. 

The trip to the mall was quiet and calm. I kind of stepped on a lady’s foot as I was going to my seat so I apologized to her. I was the last person on the bus besides the driver as I got out at the mall.

I decided to go to the hotel and had lunch there. They were out of the cheaper lunch, so I had pasta a la carte with a salad and a cup of tea. I had ordered my tea to come with milk, but they didn’t get that right. They brought me a lemon slice. Not what I asked for. The waitress scurried away so I couldn’t even ask her to change it. Sigh.

I paid and left. I walked over to the grocery store near the mall and bought a few things for K’s lunches and our breakfasts and dinner. I paid and walked back to the mall. F called me to ask me to bring him a bath towel. He’d only brought tiny towels with him. I had suggested bringing a bigger one but he knew better!  I agreed that I would do that. I’d try and find one in the mall and failing that, would bring one from the house. It was lovely to hear from him. We’re both looking forward to tomorrow when I can visit again. 

At the mall, I did a little shopping again and then had a quick rest while I tried to decide which bus to take back to the house. I decided that I would go and have a quick iced coffee at Doutor, so that is what I did. I got a decaf iced coffee and it was so nice. Unfortunately, I didn’t have much time to sit and relax but I did enjoy the coffee.  I left the coffee shop and went to the bus station. My bus pulled up as I arrived and I boarded the bus. 

The bus ride back to the house was quiet. Again, I was the last passenger on the bus, but hopefully, someone else got on at another stop. I got off and walked to the house. I put the groceries away and then went upstairs for a couple of minutes. It was very hot upstairs so I turned on the AC of course and revelled in the cooler air. I had picked up a towel at Daiso and decided I should wash it before I took it to the hospital. Since I also needed to wash other towels too, I did a whole load of towels. When it was done, I hung it up in my room.

I went downstairs around 6 and got started on dinner. I did a mixture of easy-to-cook items and store-bought food. We had chicken nuggets and hash brown patties, gyoza from the store, salad, cucumber pickle, and some leftover macaroni salad and beets. I was almost finished preparing things when I saw the living room lights go off. K was heading back to bed! I asked her to wait and told her it would be only 10 more minutes or so. I started setting the table, so I’m sure that she could see that I was telling the truth. 

We had a nice little feast. K didn’t have many of the chicken nuggets but enjoyed the gyoza and the cucumber pickle. She finished it off. I had a little, but she loves it! I made her a plate for tomorrow with some of the leftovers, but I also bought her a few things at the store today. She’ll be fine I think!

I did the dishes and then did the garbage up in the kitchen. I came upstairs and did my garbage up here too. I grabbed my ID and took out the garbage. Yes, I know that it is early, but I’m probably not getting up early enough to go out to do it. 

I came upstairs and relaxed after that. I checked my blog and then went downstairs and took a shower. When I finished I came upstairs and watched Grey’s Anatomy. It was a good one today, Addison was back and so were Jackson and his mother. 

When it finished, I put on another episode of Miranda! It was hysterical! I’m really enjoying this show.

I finished by watching some YouTube and writing my blog. 

Tomorrow I’m off to the hospital in the afternoon. I’m not sure what I’m going to do after I see F. I may just come back to the house or if I’m feeling energetic, I might walk down to Starbucks for a nice drink. I’m just not sure. 

Come back later if you want and hear all about my Thursday. Until tomorrow….

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