July 4, 2023

Tuesday - Hot and sunny, not too muggy

I had a quiet day for the most part today. I got up and watched the news and then took a nap again. I got up around 11 and grabbed my breakfast. I also started to do some laundry. I did 3 smallish loads of laundry but it was great to get it done. I have to do more laundry sometime too.

In the afternoon, I had lunch and then I went outside. I wanted to try getting to my bike, so I went into the garage. I couldn’t. There was a ton of crap in my way. F had been emptying the garbage from the car but not sorting the garbage at all. I grabbed a bunch of garbage bags and sorted a couple of bags out. I had to take labels off bottles and a few of them I even had to rinse out. I got basically a full bag of aluminum cans today. While I was out there, F’s sister came out of the house and asked if she could help. She probably heard me grumbling about F not cleaning up after himself. I told her it was fine, but asked her if she’d mind taking me to the grocery store. I asked her to take me on Friday afternoon, so that will help set me up for the weekend. Whew!

I went back in the house and cleaned up some of the bottles and cans and then called it a day. I had looked for some hedge clippers so that I could attack the hedge on the road, but I couldn’t see any. It’s almost like F has put up a barricade between the door and the back of the garage where my bike is. If I do want to get to my bike, I’m going to have to take out a ton of stuff and move it around. I’m not too happy about that. 

F’s sister left and I went upstairs to relax for a bit. I came downstairs around 6 pm and got started on dinner. I did fairly little cooking tonight. I roasted some chicken pieces in the toaster oven and opened up some packages of beets, and macaroni salad. I made a cucumber pickle for K and washed some salad. I got to use my salad spinner again. Woot!

Dinner was good. K seemed to be better tonight. Yesterday she didn’t eat too much, but today she was almost back to normal!

I did the dishes when we finished and listened to my usual podcasts. I was thinking about F and wondering if I should text him when I was finished and my phone rang!  We were able to have a nice chat. He’s still in a bit of pain. He’s asked for some stronger pain medicine but I don’t know if it is forthcoming or not. He had to go to the lounge to phone me as he shares a room, so I felt a little bad for him. We couldn’t talk for too long as I think he was tired, but it was lovely to talk to him for a while at least.

I took two bags of cans out tonight. I brought down one of F’s bags from upstairs, and there was the one I filled in the kitchen too. I noticed that there is another full bag of cans in the garage. I’m going to have to try and get that one processed and crushed in the next couple of weeks. (There is only pick up on these kinds of cans every two weeks.)

I came back in the house and said goodnight to K. I came upstairs and watched a bit of YouTube and then some TV. I watched Resident Alien and then the first of the two Handmaid’s Tale episodes. I’ll get the other one sometime this week. 

I just had a quiet evening tonight. It wasn’t a fabulous day, I discovered that the new Indiana Jones film is still on next week at Mikawa’s cinema in English. That’s great. It even starts at a good time, I could get there before the movie begins by bus. The problem comes after the movie. The bus back to Tsuruoka leaves a scant 10 minutes after the movie ends. There isn’t another bus for 3 hours and that one would mean that I would have to walk over a kilometre in the dark to the house. No thanks. Sigh. 

I did discover that I might be able to see a film at Machi Kinema next week, actually, two, if I’m careful. I’d have to leave pretty early in the morning so I’m not sure if I will or not, but you never know. I wouldn’t see two movies in one day. I’d be willing, but the bus schedule is not!

Anyway, that’s about it for me. I’m sort of planning to go out tomorrow morning so I can pick up a few things for our breakfasts and maybe lunches. I might have lunch out, I’m not sure. I’ve given K a muffin for tomorrow’s breakfast, but I have nothing for her for Thursday or Friday. I’ll be out of yogurt tomorrow too, so…a shopping trip for necessities might be in order. I had hoped to be able to ride my bike to a nearby store, but I won’t be doing that tomorrow. Sigh.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Kentucky Lady said...

Sorry to here F is in pain. Knee surgery is NOT fun. How long will he stay in the hospital? Hope his rehab is goin well.
Sorry you couldn't reach your bike. Does your street have sidewalks? Glad to hear you have movies to see. Take care.
Sending good wishes to F for speedy recovery.

Helen said...

F said that his rehab is going fairly well. He's learning how to walk with this new improved knee. He has such a high painkiller tolerance from back problems over the year that he really needs strong stuff...which they don't like to prescribe here in Japan.

There aren't many sidewalks around here, but a lot of people still ride bicycles so drivers are pretty good with them. I was hoping that I'd be able to go out on my own power but guess I'll have to keep relying on the buses!

I'm debating the movies! But I think I'll try for at least one of them. I deserve a bit of a break for a couple of hours!

Thanks for visiting!