August 17, 2023

Thursday - Hot and Sunny, Humid

I got up this morning to watch the BBC news and when it was over, I went back to sleep. I had to turn on the AC because it was oh so hot again. F headed off to his massage and then I had a quiet room to sleep in. 

When F came back again, he woke me up and tried to give me an ice cream. However, I wasn’t out of bed and I hadn’t had breakfast yet, so I refused. I’m sorry, but 10 am is just too early for ice cream!

I slept for a bit longer, F watched stuff on his phone beside me. I finally woke myself up just before noon. We talked about where to go or what to do and I suggested going up the road to Kitchen Futaba. It’s one of my favourite places to eat. We finally got there around 1:30 and were able to get in. Unfortunately for other people, everyone else that tried to come in wasn’t able to. I had an expensive dish, the lunch meat meal. It was very nice, with the exception of the gravy. It was so salty I could barely eat it. F had the ginger pork donburi and he said he liked it. 

After our lunch, we went over to Musashi and went shopping. We picked up a new towel rack for the bathroom…K broke our last one…not sure why or how, but she did. We got something to cut the hedge with, some more masks, and a case of K’s favourite beverage. 

After the hardware store, we decided to go to Mos Burger to have a drink. It was a good idea. We drove over to that part of town and went in. We had a great and quiet time. I had iced tea, F had ginger ale and it was lovely. It was also cool in the room!

After that, we went across the street to the grocery store and bought some bentos for dinner. I got a couple of other things as well, and also some more sports drink. We came back to the house and came into the house. My back was still sore from yesterday so carrying the groceries wasn’t too much fun. 

F and I went upstairs and relaxed for a while and then around 7 pm went downstairs to get dinner ready. Well, I did anyway. F came down whenever he felt like it. I put the bentos out and heated up stuff, put glasses on the table and did all the stuff necessary. I wasn’t terribly happy about it. We did have a decent meal though. 

I got to clean up afterwards and that was so much fun and so exciting. Ha ha ha. I washed the dishes and even with the door open to let the ac in, it was hot in the kitchen. I finished, went out, and watered the plants on the step. 

After that, I went upstairs. I sorted out some laundry and did a couple of loads of laundry tonight. Between me oversleeping and being out most of the day, I just haven’t had time to do it! 

At 11pm I watched The Rookie and it was a pretty good episode. While it was on, I updated my computer and tried to fix the whole problem with the external hard disk, but it didn’t work. Oh well. 

And that’s about it. I’ve been watching YouTube for a while and will go to bed soon. It was a long hot day, but it was okay. And, it’s less than a month until I go to Canada. Woot! I hope it cools down before I go though. 

Not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow, just come on back and find out. Until tomorrow….

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