August 16, 2023

Wednesday - Hot and Cloudy, Muggy

We got up this morning very late. I had woken up early to catch the BBC broadcast and then I went back to sleep. I hadn’t turned on the AC when I got up as it didn’t seem too bad in our room. However, when I woke up later on, I was much too hot!

We turned on the AC, I eventually got up and started to get dressed. F went downstairs and made lunch for his mother. That was nice of him. 

After that, we went out and we had our lunch at Cocos today. I had a coupon on my app for a free something so I ordered fries. The bowl was tiny, but it was okay. Definitely something we could share.

I had chicken with vegetables, and F had a burger with rice and soup. We both had drink bar too and lunch was nice. We stayed in the restaurant until 3:30 I think. 

After lunch, we went over to F’s orthopaedic clinic for me. I’ve been having problems with one of my knees lately and I wanted to check it out. We had to wait a long time, but, by the time I was done, I had X-Rays, blood taken and a consult with the doctor, so it was quite thorough. I have to go back next week to hear about the results of my bloodwork. We left after 6 pm. Yikes!

We went to a grocery store and I went in and bought some bentos for us and a few other things for the house. We were planning to go to Costco tomorrow after F’s appointment.

We came back to the house and I gave K her bento and set up some new tea in the kitchen to steep. I went upstairs and relaxed. I watched a bit of YouTube. After 8 pm, F wanted to eat, so he very nicely volunteered to heat my bento up for me too. He brought them upstairs and we ate. 

After our food, F wanted to go out and get gas for our trip tomorrow. I wanted to go too, so I changed my clothes. I was putting on my pants when all of a sudden, my back spasmed. It was incredibly painful. I thought it was maybe because I was dehydrated, but I’m not sure. It could be that I put my back out. I took a painkiller and it seemed to ease a little. I almost never have back pain so this is weird. 

We went to the drugstore and I picked up a few things for us, and then paid and got back in the car. F filled up the car with gas and then we came back to the house. It was hard to get out of the car and between us, F and I decided not to go to Costco tomorrow. He’s in pain with his knee and I’m not sure if my back will be better tomorrow or not. 

We came into the house and I changed back into some house clothes. I went downstairs and did up the garbage in the kitchen and then took a shower. I came up afterwards and watched Grey’s Anatomy and then later the US news from the afternoon. 

F took a late shower and I think he’s off sleeping already. He made a massage appointment for the morning so he has to get up early. Since we aren’t going to Yamagata City tomorrow, I don’t have to get up early! Yay me. 

That’s about it for me. It was an interesting day today, so I’m a bit tired. Come back later if you like and find out about my Thursday. Until tomorrow….

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