August 25, 2023

Friday - Hot and Sunny

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off and I went downstairs. I came back upstairs and watched the news. F got up and he started to get ready for the hospital. He was going for Physiotherapy today. I went back to sleep after he left, but actually managed to drag myself out of bed at a not-too-embarrassing time. I took a load of laundry downstairs and put it in the machine. I was getting myself a sports drink out of the fridge when K saw me and asked for one too. No worries. I gave her a cold one and replaced hers and mine in the fridge. 

I came upstairs and cleared the space in the corner so I could hang up my laundry. When my alarm went off, I went downstairs, grabbed my laundry and hung it up. 

F phoned me while I was doing that and asked if I’d go to Mikawa with him. He needed to take something to his work, a letter from the doctor. I said sure, but I would need a few minutes. He came back to the house, I started to get dressed and then he wanted me to photocopy his letter. I did of course. 

I asked if we could go for lunch before we went to Mikawa and he said that yes we could. I suggested his favourite fish place and of course, he was happy about that. (Why does he never suggest my favourite places?) We went to Okazaki and had a good meal. It was fried oysters and sashimi. I liked it a lot.

F didn’t want to go to Mikawa yet, so he suggested going for coffee first. We went to Komeda and had a couple of drinks there. I had a cafe au lait and F had a fancy drink with jelly in it. He seemed to like it a lot. We stayed there for ages, and then F wanted to get on the road. I asked that we grab another drink, so we went to the drugstore across the street and I got myself a bottle of water. F didn’t want anything. I did ask!

We drove off to Mikawa and F called his boss and gave him the letter. It just took a few minutes. 

The next thing we did was go looking for Nashi. There’s a little area around Sakata that grows and sells this fruit and we showed up there around 5 pm. It was much too late of course! We couldn’t find any place open, so we gave up.

We drove back to Tsuruoka and decided that we’d get bentos for dinner. F wanted to go to a place at the far end of town, but we passed a place that was on our way and we decided to go there instead. We got 3 yakiniku bentos. It took a few minutes, but they are made to order and they are good.

We took the bentos back to the house. F put them on the table and I told him I was going upstairs to change. I came down just a few minutes later. 

We ate and watched the news and it was great. The bentos were really good and we enjoyed them. I got to clean up of course so I did that. I listened to Canadian news at the time. 

When I did the dishes and the bento boxes, I watered the plants outside and then went upstairs. I brought down a few shirts and did another load of laundry. 

When my laundry was done, I hung it up and then I took a shower. I really needed it today. After the shower, I came back upstairs and worked on my column. I had planned to watch The Walking Dead, but I really do need to get my column done. I did a bit of rewriting and correcting/polishing and added a little bit more. I think I’ll finish writing about the film I’m writing about now, and then I’ll finish it off. Yay.

I’m not sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. I’m hoping to go and see Meg 2 tomorrow night as it’s a Jason Statham movie and I’m a big fan of his! It’s supposed to be silly but fun. I am so there for that!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Saturday. Until tomorrow….

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