August 24, 2023

Thursday - Hot and Sunny, with some Lightning at night.

I woke up when my alarm went off this morning, got up and went downstairs. I had turned on the TV before I went downstairs which was good as the news had started before I got back. I hadn’t slept that well as F’s warning tone on his phone went off twice during the night. North Korea was up to its old tricks and had sent a missile our way. Then, F got up at 6 a.m. to go downstairs. Ack!

He had made an appointment for himself to have a massage at 1 pm so he got up this morning and went downstairs to cook for his mother. I went back to sleep but did manage to wake up before he came upstairs again. I was half-dressed when F came back into the room. We had to go and have lunch soon. F suggested a gyudon shop or Youme Shokudo, so I chose the latter. It was pretty good. I had chicken Namban again, the spicy version.

F dropped me off at S-Mall and I went in. I checked out the grocery store and somewhere along the way realized that I hadn’t taken my medicine yet today. Oops. I went to the bakery and bought a bun and a tea and took it again.

I checked out the hundred yen shop but only got a couple of things. Then I went down to Doutor and had a drink and waited for F. He showed up after a while and I got him a drink too. We relaxed for some time and then I suggested going to see a movie again in Mikawa. The only thing was, we would have to leave very soon. We picked up a bento for K and then came back to the house. F left the bento for her and then we zoomed off to Mikawa.

We arrived at the mall at the same time the movie was starting so it was a good thing I’d already seen it. I got the tickets and bought the drinks. We didn’t have popcorn today. 

We went to see Barbie again. I have been obsessed with the song that Ryan Gosling sings and I just wanted to see the film again. It was a hoot and I think I liked it even more today. I’m weird.

After the movie, I suggested a cheapie dinner in the mall, but F said he wanted to go to Sakata, to a fancy restaurant. I pointed out that he wasn’t really dressed for a fancy place. He was wearing shorts and he didn’t have socks on. It was a tatami place. I suggested a couple of other places. F liked one place, so we drove over to it…and it was closed. Sigh. He plumped for his restaurant again and this time I said okay. It’s a really nice place, I love it, but it is also quite expensive.

We got to the restaurant and were surprised that the parking lot was empty. We decided to try and go in and were able to get in right away. We had a lovely meal. I had roast pork and F had fish. We were both really pleased with our meals. We paid and then left and drove back to Tsuruoka. 

We came back to the house. K was up but I think she was on her way to bed really. I watered the plants outside and then went upstairs. I relaxed for a while and then I went downstairs to grab a bowl of yogurt and cereal. I was shocked to see that my yogurt carton wasn’t as full as it should be. When I went upstairs and told F he told me that my yogurt fell in the fridge today and some of it spilled out. He’d forgotten to tell me. I’m glad that he finally told me because I assumed that it was K who stole it. 

I watched The Rookie and then the PBS news from earlier in the day. They had a section on Kelowna on the news. I have a college friend that lives there and I know that she was evacuated. I’m not sure if she’s back in her house yet or even if there is a house.

Well, that’s about it for me for today. It turned out to be a nice day and I enjoyed it a lot. Tomorrow, I’m not sure what we’re going to get up to. F has physiotherapy in the morning and I’d like to do a bit of laundry if I have time. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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