August 26, 2023

Saturday - Hot and Sunny…Again

F and I stayed in bed quite late. I stayed asleep for a long time but F was being super noisy in the morning. It was rather annoying. He did turn on the AC so that was good of him! I dragged myself out of bed finally. 

We didn’t go anywhere for ages. I was rather annoyed if I’m honest. I was quite hungry and we didn’t leave here until everything was closed for lunch time. I finally suggested going to either McDonald's or Mos Burgers. F chose Mos Burgers so we drove over there and had a very late lunch. We spent a while in the restaurant enjoying the cool air and the furniture!

We went across the street and grabbed a bento for K and a few other things in the grocery store. We then came back to the house and relaxed for a couple of hours. Sadly, during that time, F told me that he wasn’t feeling up to going to the movie tonight. I’m afraid I didn’t take it very well. I was quite annoyed. We could have gone to the afternoon show, but he said he’d prefer the evening show. 

He just put himself on the bed and stayed there for ages. Finally, around 8 pm, I suggested going for dinner. I was getting hungry. I’d had a small lunch and expected to be having a fun evening, not a boring one.

I suggested a restaurant that we’ve been to once before, Ni Goo and F actually said okay. We sneaked in just before the last order and had a terrific meal. They don’t really have a set menu, so we ordered quite a few things a la carte. We had ham…real ham, not the usual processed Japanese stuff, garlic rice, ajillo of chewy chicken, a starter assortment, and some grilled chicken. F had a non-alcoholic beer and we just had a good time. The food was amazing and even though the dinner was a bit expensive, it was also really delicious. 

We came back to the house via a convenience store. Not our usual one, F sailed right past it even though we had decided to go there beforehand! He went to one on the other side of Komagihara Park, and we bought our ice cream and brought it back to the house. 

I watered the plants outside and then went upstairs, F came up a bit later and we ate the ice cream. Yum. 

I watched an episode of The Walking Dead which was very scary but had a lot of great character stuff in it. After that, I watched CSI: Las Vegas and enjoyed that too. 

So that was basically my day. It’s very late and I have no idea what we’ll get up to tomorrow. I hope we can go and see my movie or at least go out and have a decent time. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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