August 28, 2023

Monday - Hot and Sunny. Ho hum.

I went to bed quite late last night so I didn’t set my alarm to wake up for the BBC News. However, dear F left his phone in the room when he went downstairs and his notifications woke me up. They are so annoying. I’ve asked him to turn them off, but he won’t. He gets so many. 

I turned on the AC and then it got really cold in the room. I tried to fall asleep again, but it took a while. My first alarm went off and I turned a bunch of them off. Of course, I ended up oversleeping. Lately, my sleep cycle has majorly messed up. Having F around is bad for that!

We went out for a late lunch, it was around 2 pm, so I suggested going to Arpeggio. We were able to get in and F was pleased as he got to have the 10-item lunch. I had my usual soboro and that was yummy too. 

After lunch, F and I went over to Komeda Coffee and had cafe au lait again. Unfortunately, F didn’t order us the big ones that we wanted, but it was fine. We spent much too much time there though. 

We drove over to MaxValu and I went in to get bentos for dinner. I did a little shopping in the store and then came back to the car. We drove back to the house and F gave the bento to his mother. We went upstairs and relaxed for a while.

I went downstairs around 8:30 and took care of a few chores. I did up the garbage and put it in the genkan, then I watered the plants outside. Following that, I heated up the bentos for F and I and then brought them upstairs.

We ate and I watched The Walking Dead. It was a cracking good episode. Lots of good things happened but a couple of people died. One baddie and two goodies. That was sad.

F took his shower first and then I took mine. I had a quick one but it was nice. 

I came back upstairs and got started on my blogging and getting ready for bed. I want to get to bed a little early tonight as we want to go to Costco tomorrow. I hope it’ll work out.

So, that’s it for me, I’ll probably be here tomorrow night with an update. Miss it at your peril! Until tomorrow….

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