August 27, 2023

Sunday - Hot and Sunny with Hard Rain in the Afternoon

I woke up this morning when F woke me up. I don’t think he meant to, it's just that he was making so much noise that I woke up. He is not a quiet man. He was rustling plastic and it was so loud. 

I got up just before the afternoon. F spent much of the time on the bed. He snoozed a bit. I thought that was rather choice…he woke me up early and then snoozed in the afternoon! He woke up later and I suggested going out before he fell asleep again. I requested Cocos, so that’s where we went. We had a fairly good meal. I had my favourite pork burger in a creamy mustard sauce. I had it with a bun instead of rice. I was pleased! F had a Japanese set meal and we shared a small dish of fries that I got for free from my app. Woot.

After lunch, we headed across the street and went to the grocery store. F stayed in the car and I did a bit of shopping. I picked up some things for F, most of the stuff was for him, but I got myself some yogurt and K some tissues. I paid and came back to the car.

F and I came back to the house and I got to put all the stuff away. We came upstairs and had some relaxing time. Well, I actually worked on my column and I think I finished it off. Woot! A day or two early. I’ll re-read it tomorrow, listen to it again and clean up anything clunky and then I can send it in to the editor. 

F and I left the house around 7:00 p.m. and drove out to Mikawa. We got a great parking space at the mall and then went in. We got our movie tickets…free tonight as we have seen enough movies to get a freebie. We took our tickets and went over to the food court and bought our dinner. We both had bibinba and used our tickets to get us free drinks. Yay us. We ate and then around 8:30, we went over to the cinema. I made F go into the cinema before me while I bought popcorn and drinks. 

Tonight, we went to see Meg 2: The Trench. It was crazy stupid and I loved it. Mind you, I am a huge fan of Jason Statham and he was in good form in this movie. He got wet and he always seems to do well in films where he has to swim or dive! F didn’t like it quite as much as I did, but I think he was okay with it. We didn’t finish the popcorn tonight. I think I was too busy watching Jason to munch on the popcorn. Not completely accurate, but there was a fair bit left over!

We came back to Tsuruoka after the movie and made a brief stop at a convenience store to buy K some coffee milk. 

Back at the house we came upstairs and had a quiet evening. F gave me some gelato and I made myself some tea. I’ve been blogging and watching the odd YouTube video ever since. 

It was a pretty good day. Oh, and it rained this afternoon. I can’t even remember the last time it rained. It was humid for a while, but it did seem cooler. It was a torrential shower for a while and was very loud, but it didn’t last terribly long. It was probably around half an hour or so I think.

Well, that’s about it for me. I have no idea what we’re going to get up to tomorrow. We’re talking about going to Costco on Tuesday. It depends on how the week goes though.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Monday. Until tomorrow….

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